Unlucky bird

Garfield Harvest wanted to say something. However, what could he say? 

The betrayal of Raul Winterchild, and his eventual death was the most dishonorable deed ever done in the history of the sunset continent. 

In the first place, lords and ladies of Sunset kingdom looked down upon their family. While all the other ruling families of the kingdoms have been royals once upon a time, only their Harvest family had been servants who rose up after their masters died. 

Prestige is a real and tangible entity when it comes to royal families. That is exactly the reason why Sasha Winterchild, despite carrying twenty times less dowry and men, is a better candidate for queen of summerland compared to Merilyn Harvest. 

They were called profiteers, opportunists and cowards. 

Now, if such a thing as violating guest rites is known beforehand and approved by them, Harvest would collapse within a day.