The lava drain

Sasha and Raul both sat there, looking at the dragon which is still hopping about in melancholy. 

Sasha spoke all of a sudden. 

" Did you know Moonsnow created an Island in the sea awhile ago ? " she asked him all of a sudden. 

Raul looked at her, his expression clearly saying ' What the fook you are talking about ? or is your brain fried ? '. 

He saw that Sasha's concentration was set entirely on the dragon, and the places it was knocking about, sometimes with its tail, and sometimes with it's paws. 

" You are not pulling my leg ? " he asked, surprised. 

" I am really not pulling your leg. There was a bubbling sea. Moon snow flew with gigantic rocks, and dropped them from the sky. He did it for three days straight. Sea receded day by day, when low tide came, the rock he dropped broke the ground.