The Magical awakening

" So, could you use it ? " Xena asked nonplussed. 

Nadia shut up . 

"You can't use it ? " Xena pushed. 

Indeed, Nadia could not use it. 

One needs to cross a certain magic threshold to use Waterblade. This needn't be water sorcery only but any kind of magic. 

It's important because it was the only relic of Gavin the great they were able to save. 

Sometimes, during the darkest periods of her training, Nadia wondered if the waterblade is something as simple as a shaving blade, and all it's notoriety and sanctity came from later generations. 

However, her doubts about the origin of her relics does not mean losing an argument with a foreign envoy. 

" Could you use it ? " Nadia questioned smartly. 

" I think so. " Xena answered readily. 

Nadia snorted.