The date part 1

" Ladies and Gentlemen of Valkrie ! Welcome andddddddddd… .Welcome to the sixteenth sprint fair of lover's paradise. As always, your response has been more than hot ! This time, for the first time in the history of lover's paradise, we meet the numbers needed for the seven trials of the couples. 

Without further ado, let us start the treasure hunt of the lovers. The first challenge in the game is to know how much your lover knows you. 

On my right side, there are cabins. Our lovely ladies will stand in the pink chair, our handsome men will sit in the blue chairs. " 

The host went on to explain they would be answering three questions. 

As long as answers sync, the couple passes. 

" What's your man's name ? " they asked. 

" Caspian Hart " Xena answered, so did Caspian. 

What's your girl's name ? " was the next question. 

They obviously are doing this to filter off the random game breakers from entering the game.