Token of love

The next day, Xena and Caspian went to the fair in great spirits. 

They quite anticipated what the token was going to be. 

When they entered the venue, there were multiple rough wood tables, in the style of rustic inn, spread out in a line. 

There were lines of terracotta platters covered with rough spun cotton, with the lover's paradise emblem on them. 

" Hello, our little love birds ! Welcome to you all this fine morning. Hmm… let's see if all of you are here.

Oh! Grandpa Meenan! He has been a participant of this fair for all of it's sixteen years. Oh! There you are… our friends from the sunset continent. They have come all the way from sunset continent to our city to participate in the spring fair. 

I hope your dedication proves true, my friend ! 

There! My lord solhan! This time he is participating with Bella, the most beloved courtesan of the lotus house. "