Chapter 1 - Reincarnation in Naruto world, meeting with God

Finn Anderson was a 21 years old college student, was living his boring life. Finn was drinking because he found his crush sleeping with another man. A lighting struck Finn and took his life.

Finn opened his eyes and found himself floating in a dark space. Finn tired to move here and there but he couldn't find any light in that void.

"Dear Child, i have found that your life was extremely difficult one and your karma is very high. Tell me Child, what is your dearest wish?"

Finn heart a mysterious, yet calming voice in his ear. Finn knew that he was dead after hearing the mysterious voice.

" I want to live a life without any regret."

" Very well, then which world do you want to be reincarnated into?"

Finn thought for a moment and asked. "Can I even reincarnate into Naruto World? Just kidding, after all they are created from our imagination."

But to Finn's surprise, the mysterious voice again replied.

" Child, I am the Supreme God of who watches over quadrillion of worlds. Every world is unique for and different from the others. You can even call it infinite realities. So every type of worlds you desire exists."

"Yes, I can send you to Naruto world but this naruto world is little different from the one you know of. Do you still want to reincarnate there?"

Finn eyes sparkled in excitement and said "yes".

" Very well, since you still have 20 percent karma left, I will give you a gift using the karma."

Finn wanted to choose in which clan and year he was going to be born but before he could say his words, Finn lost his consciousness.

"Child, don't underestimate the power of karma. 20 percent of your karma is give you the strongest cheats or hacks or powers in Naruto world."

Finn heard those words before he lost his consciousness.

Finn suddenly opened his eyes and found himself inside a wooden house.

" Where Am I? I remember that I reincarnated into Naruto World but this doesn't look good."

Finn slowly stood up and looked here and there.

[~System M-029 have been activated. System now will transfer all the memories of previous host of this body.]

Finn found himself in the body of 11 years old boy.

Finn suddenly fall asleep and had a very long dream. A dream about the previous hosts life, filled with his memories.

Both new and previous host had the same Name, Finn Anderson.

Finn's family lived in a village near the borders of Country of Rice. Finn Anderson parents was killed by Rogue ninjas. Finn managed to overcome the trauma of his parents death. But soon he ran out of foods, money. Unable to get anything to eat, Finn died while starving.

Before death, Finn was very badly beaten by a group of boys when he went out to get some food in the village.

This village was more like a little town with a population of 2,000. Except few Shinobi, all the civilians was normal people. The Village was going through poverty because of the 2nd ninja war.

2nd ni1nja war had finished 5 years ago but still normal people was still suffering.

Finn woke up after getting all the memories of the previous host. Finn saw a blue transparent screen appear in front of him.

[~System is requires a name. Host is asked to give a name to the system.]

Finn without much of thinking named the system as "Mia".

[~Good morning, Master.] Finn was surprised when he heard a female voice. Before Finn always heard robotic sound. Finn didn't bother to ask why system voice turned into a girl.

[~Scanning host's body.

A very powerful being energy have been found sealed inside host body.

The being is a human looking female.

Currently in sleeping]

"What!" Finn didn't understand and was confused. Finn quickly calmed himself and asked. "Mia, how powerful is she and who is she?" Finn asked. Finn remembered everything that was suppose happen in Naruto series. Finn was sure that this was the change the god was talking about.

[~She is Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.] Finn nearly passed out when he learned that Kaguya Ōtsutsuki was sealed inside his body.

[~Host, are you alright?]

It took few minutes for Finn to finally calm himself. Finn realized that he was in big danger. If the black jetsu learns about this news he would definitely hunt Finn down and do everything to free his mother.

[~Host please calm down. Even if Kaguya Ōtsutsuki wakes up, she won't able to break the seal. She would be locked inside host like a tailed beast is locked inside a jinchuriki.]

Finn finally felt little relieved but he was worried about his future and the future of ninja world.

[~Host doesn't needs to worry. With Mia's assistance, Host would stand top of this universe. Host just needs to complete missions and earn system point {SP}, attribute points which would help host get more stronger.

"System, how much time I have until Kaguya wakes up?"

[Host is unable to calculate that.] Finn sighed and asked system to show his attribute panel.

In that screen Finn saw his attribute panel.

[~Finn Anderson


→Strength:-2 (even a five year old child has more strength than you)

→Speed:-4(even a six year old child can run faster than you)

→Charm:-1(very less)

→Stamina:-.5(Host is very weak. Even a year child can kill you.)

→Chakra:-0 (Host is a civilian)


→Innate ability:-None

→SP points:- 0

→Attribute points:- 0]

Finn perfectly knowns why he is this weak. It because the previous host was already very weak because lack of nutrition. Finn's body is very skinny and lacks nutrition.

Finn sighed at his bad luck. "How I am suppose to protect myself when I am this weak."

Finn again heard the system voice.

[~SP points can be used to in system shop or to rotate lucky draw. Everyday Host can rotate a lucky draw once for free. Each lottery wheel require 10 SP points to rotate. In every 10 lottery wheel rotation, host will get a confirm silver rank item. The items kept inside inventory will not be affected by the flow of time and only non living things can stored in the inventory.]

Finn's mood became little better after hearing the system's explanation.

[~A beginner gift package have been stored inside inventory.]