Chapter 17 - Finn Anderson vs Kakashi Hatake

Next day, Finn and Kaguya went to training group 7. Sakumo was already waiting for Finn. Today he looked more energetic than yesterday.

"Dammit, is he getting excited to torture me?" Finn felt a chill down on his spine. Finn knew more than anyone else that Sakumo is the most merciless teacher in the whole world. He didn't care if his student is hurt or injured, Sakumo will keep pushing.

"Good morning, Finn. Who is she?" Sakumo saw a ordinary girl walking behind Finn.

" Good morning, sensei. This is Kaguya. Kaguya this is Sakumo Hataka, my teacher."

Kaguya greeted Sakumo and then proceed to sat under a tree, which was located at the edge of the training ground.

" Sensei, please don't mind her. She is not very talkative type person."

Sakumo nodded.

Sakumo and Finn turned right to see The God of Shinobi and his son Kakashi was coming. Kakashi had eyes became cold when he saw his own father was teaching another boy.

Kakashi just like in Anime, he was wearing leaf headband and covering his face. Finn can see the hostility in Kakashi's eyes.

In the original series, Kakashi was arrogant. He changed after he lost Obito and Rin.

" Finn, I thought you are suppose to be attending classes." Professor asked Finn. Finn replied in a care free manner.

" My clone is doing that job for me." Professor didn't say anything about Academy anymore.

" Sakumo, I want Kakashi to fight Finn." Professor was interested in seeing Finn's performance. Kakashi's eyes was burning with jealousy. He too wanted to fight Finn and see how strong Finn is.

"whoever wins, that person will reward of a A rank jutsu of his choice." Professor's words made both Finn and Kakashi's blood boil. A rivalry was formed between Finn and Kakashi.

Finn looked at Sakumo as if asking for his permission to which Sakumo nodded.

'This fox, he wants to create a rivalry between Finn and Kakashi. Which would motivate both boys to work harder because they would want to beat each other. This might be a good thing for both of them.'

"Finn, use this sword." Sakumo gave a normal sword.

[~Defeat Hatake Kakashi

-Penalty: - Kenjutsu skill will be sealed

-Reward: - Chakra points 100+, lighting nature.]

Finn became even more excited after seeing the rewards of the mission. 'I must defeat Kakashi.'

Finn didn't know that Kakashi also had the same thought. 'I must defeat my father's student and prove myself to father.'

Both boys stared at each other for few seconds.

Kakashi started the fight by throwing few shurikens towards Finn. Finn easily dodged the shurikens with his given speed.

Kakashi rushed towards Finn who was standing 3 meters away.

Kakashi was coming towards Finn with empty hand. 'Since, he wants to fight hand to hand. I will grant his wish.' Finn buried the sword tip inside the ground, making the sword's hilt stands in the air.

Right fist of Kakashi was heading towards Finn's face. Finn raised his left arm to change the trajectory of the punch. Finn then raised his left leg to kick Kakashi's head but his arm managed to block Finn's attack.

'That hurts.' Kakashi closed his left eye in pain from blocking Finn's attack. 'His speed is same as mine but I have advantage with my strength.'

Finn's kick left leg was heading towards Kakashi's neck but he bent his waist back to dodge Finn's kick.

Finn was about to make few hand signs to release a Jutsu but Kakashi already had punched Finn's face.

In that moment, Finn also rotated his body in the air and landed a punch on Kakashi's face.

Both boys fall down. Finn was having natural advantage against Kakashi as Finn was little taller than him.

Both boys were almost 5 feet tall, only Finn was little taller than Kakashi. Unlike, in the original series, Kakashi's body was much grown and almost looked like 16 years boy.

Finn didn't waste any time to release his first ninjutsu.

"Fire Style:- Fire ball Jutsu."

Both Sakumo and Professor were shocked by this scene. Sakumo and 3rd never expected Finn know fire release ninjutsu.

Kakashi looked little shocked then he made few hand sign and made.

"Earth style:- Mud Wall."

The fire attack was blocked by the Mud Wall, but created lots of black smoke in the process.

Kakashi came out to attack Finn, but he hurriedly dodged the kunai that was heading towards him.

Kakashi was still in mid air, but the Kunai transformed into Finn.

Kakashi never thought Finn would use transformation Jutsu.

Finn kicked Kakashi who still was in mid air. Finn smiled for a moment because he thought won the match. But the future Hokage turned out to be a shadow clone.

Finn immediately turned to look back, Finn saw Kakashi was behind him. Kakashi's fist landed on Finn's right cheek. Finn rotated his body in mid air and landed a kick on Kakashi's face.

Both Finn and Kakashi wiped the blood from the corner of their mouth. Kakashi took out a kunai from his pocket and rushed towards Finn.

Finn also picked up the sword and prepared to face Kakashi.


Both Kunai and sword collided with each other, creating some sparkles. Even if Kakashi is a genius, Finn still had the advantage as he have Taijutsu and Kenjutsu mastery level skill.

Kakashi stood no chance against Finn.

Kakashi with kunai on his both hands tired to land an attack on Finn but it was completely useless. Finn with his Taijutsu and Kenjutsu skills stood in front Kakashi like an iron mountain.

Kakashi understood why his father calls Finn a genius. Kakashi knew that he can't win like this. Kakashi retreated back and made few hand signs to gather lighting in his right palm.

Finn knew what Kakashi was trying to do. 'He already had learned Chidori.'

Finn smiled bitterly. 'I can't face his Chidori head on. Am I just going to stand there and watch as I am being defeated? No way, in hell.'

It took Kakashi more than seconds to activate his Chidori. Finn used this chance to quickly throw a fire ball at Kakashi.

Fire style:- Fire ball Jutsu.

Kakashi dodged right side and tried to look for Finn. 'I need to create an opening.' Kakashi thought as he was about create a shadow clone but Finn was already behind him.

Finn landed a kick on Kakashi's neck and won the match.

"Finn wins the match,"3rd Hokage declared the match was won by Finn. Kakashi stood up and tried to say something but in the end he decided to accept his defeat.

Kakashi then left training ground 7.

"This is the first time I have seen Kakashi being defeated." 3rd Hokage said as he approached Finn with Sakumo following. Sakumo was glad that his son lost. He wanted someone to break his son's arrogance and ego.

"That was a wonderful battle. Finn, I can see that your Taijutsu and Kenjutsu already have reached mastery level." 3rd Hokage praised Finn.

"Finn, do you want to graduate from the academy?" Professor asked Finn. Finn shook his head. "For now, I want to focus on training."

"Tomorrow came to Konoha library. As promised I will let you pick a A rank Jutsu." Professor left after saying that.

Kaguya watched everything from a distance. After the match was over, she again started to read books.

[~Defeat Hatake Kakashi


-Reward: - Chakra points 100+, lighting nature.]

Finn felt a warm sensation spreading throughout his body. Finn's injuries also healed with the warm sensation.

[~Finn Anderson







→Skills: Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation Jutsu, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution Jutsu, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Fire style:- Fire ball jutsu

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan (Sealed), Sage body (Divine ), Azure dragon wings(Divine)

→Nature:- lighting, Fire

→SP points:- 35

→Attribute points:- 0

→Money:-54,750 Ryo.

→Kaguya's :- 55+

→Rin Nohara:- 67+

→Tsunade:- 9+

→Inventory:- Zangetsu Sword. ]