Chapter 33 - Water demons, Monarch of water demons

Lightning dragon came down, fall down.


With a sound loud and bright light everything around 5 Km was destroyed. Huge Mushroom cloud rose in the air.

People from far away heard the mighty dragon roar.

"Go check what is happening. Find out who used that Jutsu." A unknown being commanded.

Finn couldn't see anything due to the smoke, but he grinned when he saw his killing count was going up like crazy.

- (4,234/15,000)


"I only need 3,125 killing points to complete this mission. Let's I believe some water demons must have survived." Finn activated his Tenseigan and looked at his surroundings.

Finn noticed the place where the lighting dragon fall had now turned into a huge crater filled with red water and floating burned dead bodies. The whole lake water had turned into red. The trees were struck down and were floating along with the dead bodies.

"There they are" Finn could see some water demons retreating back. They were running in the opposite direction of the lake. Each of their faces was filled with fear and terror. Their instinct was telling them to run away, go back.

Finn suddenly vanished from his position and appeared in front of few water demons in extremely fast speed.

"I did not allow you run." Finn noticed that the water demon's body was trembling in fear.

Finn chuckled. Finn suddenly appeared behind the water demons like a flash. Fresh red blood was still dripping from his kunai. Finn looked back to see that the water demons was busy running.

"Came on, at least attack me." Finn grinned as he took out his Zangetsu from the inventory. Finn channeled his chakra converting it into blade intent. Finn slashed his Zangetsu towards the running Water demons.


Dark thick blade intent of 3 meters wide and 10 meters long completely destroyed all the water demons, trees, rocks everything within 100 meters. Just one slash of Finn's sword was equivalent to S rank Jutsu. Even Finn himself was surprised by how much damage his sword strike had done.

"Damn, after killing some many people my sword technique has perfectly combined with killing intent and have became more powerful. The battle with Raikage and cloud ninja has allowed me to save years of training." Finn smiled in satisfaction.

Killing count:- (11,875/15,000) → (12,975/15,000)

"My killing count also has gone up. Let's see if there is any water demons left." Finn again activated his Tenseigan to check his surroundings.

"Is that a gate or portal?" Finn saw blue portal which was about 3 meters big in size. All the water demons were running inside the portal.

"Is this is dungeon or what? No matter what it is, I want to explore that place."

Finn excitedly flew in that direction but before he could reach there the portal closed itself.

Finn sighed. "Looks like I have to try next time. Luck is not on my side"

"These demons must have come from that portal. Wait, why does this portal looks familiar? I feel like I have seen this portal before but where."

Finn tried his best to remember.

[Investigate the source of water monsters.


-Rewards: Stamina 50+, Bloodlust]

Bloodlust: - a passive skill. Whenever Host is emotionally disturbed his body will emit terrifying bloodlust which is a combination of killing intent, hatred, revenge, passion, savagery.

"Let's check on hidden mist village. Who knows I might even get some rare techniques of mist village." Finn decided to check on hidden mist village.

Finn was to fly away when suddenly a portal opened above Finn and pulled Finn inside the Portal. This whole scene was so fast that even Finn himself wasn't able to react in time.

Finn opened his eyes to find himself lying on floor. Finn looked here and there to find himself in a different world. The sky red in color, there was no sun or clouds. The dark red color trees, the ground was pitching black. Finn found himself being surrounded by countless water demons.

Finn didn't hesitate to take out his Zangetsu.

"Everybody move back." Finn heard a voice, he turned back to find a water demon who was about 6 feet tall walking towards Finn.

"Who are you?" Finn released his new passive skill bloodlust. To Finn's surprise his aura and bloodlust had no affect on that being.

"I am the Monarch of Water demon, Yuki by human name." Yuki arrogantly introduced himself.

"Why sent your water demon clan members to hunt humans?" Finn asked.

"You are not worthy of knowing this supreme beings reason." Yuki arrogant now made Finn little pissed.

"We will see about that. A supreme, na I would call you trashy asshole."

Yuki aura suddenly released from his body. Finn was unaffected the by the pressure but his water demons clan members were trembling and kneeling on the ground.

"This bastard is going to be trouble." Finn can feel it. Yuki was much much stronger than A. Finn didn't even try to test his strength. Finn already had activated his Tenseigan.

Sage mode!

A cyan cloak enveloped around Finn.

"It seems you do possess some power to make this king feel excited." Yuki suddenly vanished from position and appeared in front OF Finn.

'So fast' Finn thought as he somehow dodged the sharp dark claw coming towards his chest.


Both the Zangetsu and Yuki's sharp iron looking like claws collided making a sound.

Yuki smiled showing a large sharp teethes. Yuki then opened his mouth and was about spit some green poisonous liquid on Finn.

Finn noticed this; he immediately concentrated his chakra in his eyes.

"Almighty push"

Yuki felt a sudden strong force pulling him back. Yuki was pushed back 10 meters. The push was so stronger that it even killed many water demons who were closely observing the fight.

"This is the first time I used my mighty push in a fight." Finn found some confidence after using the almighty push. Finn knew that it won't take long before Yuki finds the weakness of his attack.

Yuki was clearly shocked; he didn't have any information about Finn eyes or abilities.