Chapter 49 - Rising Dragon Island

"Why did you came here without..." Rin wasn't able to continue when she saw his teasing smile. Rin blushed and lowered he head.

She walked up to Finn and pulled his hand. "Where are we going?" Finn innocently asked. Rin gave a angry glare to Finn and continued to walk.

But Finn suddenly stopped walking and looked at Green who already looked lifeless and pale.

Finn released a terrifying Aura towards everyone except Rin.

Some elder and young boys including Green fall on their knees and looked at Finn in horror.

" I don't who you are or what you are. If you people dares to came near Rin with any bad intention then I swear you and your family I never see see the sun again."

Green felt that his entire body was being crushed by tons of weight. He was having difficulty breathing not to mention moving his body. His forehead was covered in sweat and his face was pale.

'What monster did I provoke?'

Even though Finn using his killing intent on ordinary and low ranking ninja can called unfair and bully, Rin still felt very sweet in her heart.

Finn then picked up Rin in his arms and looked at the nurse who was standing at the corner, her whole body was trembling in fear. "Tell Lady Tsunade that I taking Rin on a vacation. Never mind I will tell her myself."

Rin instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and disappeared or teleported with Finn to outside of elemental continent.

Rin opened her eyes and looked at the scenery around her.

" Finn, where are we?" Rin felt very excited when she found herself alone and way from the village. She too wanted to spend more and more time with her boyfriend.

"Before the 3rd great ninja war, started I was given a mission to rescue hidden wood village people. But their village was destroyed by hidden cloud shinobi, so I traveled outside Elemental nation, flew across the sea to find this place."

Rin was very surprised but quickly calmed herself. This is was Finn, a man who has ended the 3rr great ninja war and had the ability to fly long distance.

Finn was flying in the air while carrying Rin in his arms. Rin curiously looked down and looked at Finn.

" Then, I bought those ordinary people here with my teleportation jutsu."

"This place is far away from elementary nation. This island is big as the land of fire and I am the owner of this place." Finn then flew towards his mansion which was located at the top of a mountain.

"And this is our new home." Finn landed on the garden on the mansion backyard.

Rin looked around and toured the mansion with Finn.

"How is it?" Finn asked with a proud smile.

"Beautiful and extremely conformable place for living."

"Finn, are you going to bring Shinobi or ninja to stay in this island?" Rin asked while Finn was preparing for dinner.

"No, at least no one for now. To be honest I never really thought of bringing Shinobi here."

"Still I am very surprised. What is this place name?"

"I haven't thought of anything. But the village you saw before is called Azure village."


"Azure village... Hahahaha! I didn't know you had such good naming sense."


Finn pretended to not hear her voice.

"How about the name Rising Dragon Island?"

"Rising Dragon Island."

"Rising is for your increase in fame, and you are a dragon among man."

" I think it's cringe but I like it." Rin nodded in satisfaction when she saw Finn's smile.

"Rin, please wake Kaguya for dinner. I will go and bring Tsunade and Shizune from Konoha." Rin nodded.

[Fortunately Master had already cleaned everything before he left otherwise you would be facing big trouble.]

"Do you think I am stupid?" Finn rolled his eyes and teleported back to Konoha.


"Where is Rin?" Tsunade looked very exhausted. Despite having fear of blood, she had been treating Patients. Even her Chakra Control is not good because of Phobia of blood Tsunade still can use some basic healing ninjutsu.

Tsunade rubbed her temples in exhaustion. Without Shizune and Rin, Tsunade would have big trouble treating the patients or doing surgery.

"Rin is with me." Finn teleported back to Jiraiya who was currently leading his army to assist Sakumo. Finn bought Shizune back with him for a few dyas and promised to return her in 2 days.

"What's Shizune is doing here? She should be at the battlefield." Tsunade asked.

" It would take few days for Jiraiya (Team A) to reach Sakumo(Team B). I thought I should let Shizune help you in this time while Rin takes some free air."

Tsunade and Shizune both rolled their eyes." Rin wasn't the only one who is working hard. Shizune had to heal the injured ones in front line and I had to continuously work with paper and oversee the surgeries."

"Whatever" Finn didn't dare to take back with angry and stressed looking tsunade. Finn knew that she would explode anything if Finn continous to poke her.

"I came to get you two for dinner. Let's go."Finn took both of their hands and teleported to Rising Dragon Island.

As soon as Finn teleported to the living room with Tsunade and Shizune, both found out that they were no longer in Konoha.

" Where are we?"

" Where did you bring us?"

" Whose house is this?"

"When did you own your own house?"

"Where is Rin?"

"Shut up!!!" Finn angrily shouted and made both them quiet.

"Rin came here and explain everything to these idiotic women." Rin came down with Kaguya.

"But first wash your hands and came to dinning table."

Finn went to kitchen and began to sat everything on the table, Kaguya went to help Finn.

"Kaguya are you already?" Finn felt embarrassed.

Because he knew that today he did little too much on their love making session. In the Kaguya wasn't even able to move and exhausted to sleep.

Kaguya's cheeks flushed red and she quietly nodded her head. " I am alright. Thanks to water of immorality, I seems to awakened my regeneration ability."

Finn nodded his head in relief.

Finn, Kaguya, Tsunade and Shizune had dinner in peace. Everyone was happy to eat together after a long time. Shizune and Kaguya decided to help in cleaning the dishes while Tsunade and Rin choose their own room.


{Before you tell me why I am writing this normal day stuff. It's because this novel was lacking in emotion. I realize I am always writing fighting scenes so I tried something for a change and felt very refreshed. As for 3rd ninja war, I am tired and want to change something new.