Chapter 71 - To the Devil King's territory. Break through in research

"I entered the Relic through...Finn wasn't even able to finish his words.

"Master, Finn something very bad has happened." Finn saw Nagahide came running with a paper.

Echidna put her hand on her shoulder. "Take a deep breath and calm yourself." Nagahide took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Tell me what happened?" Echidna asked. Nagahide showed a paper to Echidna. "Master first look at this."

Finn can see that Echidna's expression turned ugly when she saw the content written on the paper. "Echidna what happened?" Finn asked. "Congrats Finn." Echidna said with a forced smile but her smile was even uglier than crying.

"What happened?" Finn was confused. "Along with your picture, a bounty of 1 billion gold coins has been sent to every guild in the entire continent. The mission says that to capture or kill you as long as one hands overs your dead body the mission will counted as complete." Finn expression still did not change.

'Why should I fear anyone when I can even kill beings in 8th Tier rank. Not only that, I also have Low ranking Monarch or also known as Marshal rank being as my immortal Shadow.' Finn thought it was perfect opportunity to grow his Shadow Army.

'Because of this bounty many strong people will come after me and I will definitely kill everyone.'

"There is also additional information about you Finn.

Name: - Unknown

Appearance: - Young handsome man with black hair.

Age: - looked around 16 to 17

Powers: - Has the power to use Teleportation without using any magic circle. Rest of the power is unknown.

Mission: - The target was gotten the power of Inheritor Summoner Relic. As for what power he inherited, it's still unknown.

Bounty: - 1 billion gold coins."

"So what are we going to do now?" Nagahide looked very worried. Finn just smiled and used transformation jutsu to change his appearance to Sasuke Uchiha.' Sasuke is not even close to being born so for now I can borrow his appearance.'

Both Echidna and Nagahide looked shocked and their eyes were wide open.

"Ho... How did you do that?"

Asked Nagahide. Because she knew that changing one's appearance without special artifacts is impossible. Echidna also wanted to ask this same question to Finn. Finn smiled thinking their reaction was little exaggerated.

"This world is filled with mysteries so things like changing one's appearance is a cheap and easy trick for us. In my hometown every child must learn this trick if they want to graduate from school." Finn told them that his hometown is in a place which is hidden from rest of the world and only Finn can travel between two places.

Nagahide almost asked Finn to teach her this technique until she realized that she cannot use Chakra.

" That's good. At least we can trick people with this." Echidna calmed herself showing her experience of working as Mercenary for more than 100 years.

"But how can you use Teleportation without using magic circle? A normal teleportation magic would take at least 10 seconds to create the circle but can teleport without using magic circle meaning that you don't have to wait for 10 seconds." Echidna and Nagahide looked at Finn for explanation.

"Let's just say that I have my own secrets and I don't wish to share them. I apologize." Finn just didn't wanted to explain as explaining how his teleportation works will only bring more questions and Finn was to lazy to answer every question.

Echidna and Nagahide nodded in understanding. "But facing you can be very frightening. I mean you could always surprise your opponent by using teleportation." Finn just smiled and did not comment.

"We can't stay in this village as many villagers has seen your appearance so we are going to change our route and head towards Devil territory. I know that the current one of the 4 Devil kings is pacifist and he is more than happy to let other races live in his territory. Hopefully we can hide there long enough for this hype to die down." Finn and Nagahide agreed.

Finn agreed mainly because he was interested in Devil. He had previously seen few devils but did not get the chance to talk with them, especially that red haired man and the black haired girl. Finn could feel that they are very strong. 'I don't want to part with Echidna and Nagahide. Both of them are very good and trustworthy people.'

"Before leaving, Finn can at least tell the rank of your current strength?" Echidna and Nagahide were also forced to leave with Finn because many people has seen them together with Finn. So Echidna and Nagahide will hunted down to give information on Finn. Finn also understood this part and felt guilty.

"Before answering, can you tell the powers ranks used by the people in this continent?" Finn knew that there was a different system of power ranking used here.

"The power ranking is very simple and easy. The lowest or weakest rank starts from E rank,

D rank

C rank

B rank

A rank

S rank: - In S rank there is a huge power gape. The rank is used for beings who has surpassed the power scale of A rank."

"My power should come in S rank. I don't much the top powerhouse in the continent but I am sure I can fight against an S rank being." Echidna nodded. She also estimated that Finn's power is at least on S rank. But as she said earlier, there is a massive power gap within S rank. Even though she is a S rank mercenary, she still couldn't see Finn when they met first time. 'And now that Finn has gotten power from Inheritor Summoner Relic, he must have gotten even more stronger.'

"Me and Nagahide power also comes in S rank. So with 3 S rank powerhouse traveling together, we shouldn't have any problem in our journey." Finn can see that Nagahide proudly raised her chest.

"How may days it will takes us to reach the Devil King's territory?" Finn asked.

"Since we are going to travel through forest it should take us 7 to 14 days, depending on our speed." Finn nodded as he had no problem.

"Nagahide let's pack up. Finn, before people starts searching for us, you should go outside the village and wait for us there." Finn nodded and left the village.

________Scene change

"Kabuto bring the next body." Orochimaru said while dissecting the body of one rogue ninja. Kabuto returned with a body of a child whose age was around 8 to 9.

"Kabuto the appearance of water demons has given us many clues about immortality. My research has shown that these water demons are born with very high lifespan compared to humans. Their lifespan is around 300 to 400 years."

"Before I tried to put the DNA of water demons in human and I mistakenly created a new drug. Berserk Drug, an unstable drug which is made from the DNA of water demons, when a human consumes the drug, the strength of human will be doubled at cost of their own life force. The drug causes the consumer to become mentally unstable and aggressive. The consumer of this drug will become more violent and attack anyone like a wild mindless monster."

"Orochimaru-sama, this drug bought millions of Ryo from the Mizukage and we were able to collect more corpse for our research." Kabuto said while preparing a drug to wake up the child.

"Yes, thanks to that we have managed to progress in our research." Orochimaru creepily smiled and licked his lips with his snake tongue.

"I found that in order to make the Berserk Drug stable we will need something that can provide vitality to the consumer's body."

"Uzumaki clan members are born with lots of vitality." kabuto added.

"I did tried this drug on a Uzumaki clan member and the end result has satisfied me very much. ALthough Uzumaki has lots of vitality but it's still not enough to make the Berserk drug stable. So I have found a new material or thing that can help us make the Berserk drug stable. Probably provide us with enough vitality to use the Berserk Drug without any side effect."

Kabuto looked at Orochimaru with star shining in his eyes. "Kabuto, if my theory is correct then we will finally have something that can increase our lifespan and power."

"Orochimaru-sama, what this is thing we are talking about?" kabuto excitedly asked.

"the thing we need is a national Treasure of Konoha, the nine tail Fox."