Chapter 73 - Madara's plan and Rinnegan

In a dark underground chamber, a huge humanoid statue could be seen. The Humanoid statue's hands were tied with chains and it's eyes were covered with elastic type clothe. Yes, this Humanoid Statue was the Ten tails husk, The Demonic Statue of the Outer Path (Gedo Statue).

In front of the Gedo Statue, there was a long white haired old man whose appearance told others that he was 60 years old or even more. This old man was the Ghost of the Uchiha Clan, Madara Uchiha. After his battle with the first hokage, Hashirama; it took Madara nearly a decade before he awakened his Rinnegan.

There was no doubt the old man did not had the same strength as he did when he was in his prime. Madara had reached his limit. Awakening Rinnegan had taken lots of vitality and life force of this Legendary man. Right after awakening the Rinnegan, Madara summoned the Gedo Statue, which was the body of the ten tails.

The only reason this man was still alive is because he used remaining vitality present in the Gedo Statue. The ten tails had immense amount of Chakra, so much chakra that the amount was nearly infinite as it's chakra recovering speed was also terrifying. When sage of six paths extracted and divided ten tails chakra into 9 part which became the current 9 tail beasts. The ten tails body became a empty shell but that empty shell contained large amount of life force and vitality.

Madara on his conquest to destroy what he and his former best friend Hashirama had created together, found something that could bring eternal peace to humanity. It was an ultimate Uchiha move strengthened with the power of ten tails. Madara after learning about this, changed his plan. Madara wanted to create peace and end the cycle of war.

After decades of waiting and hiding in the shadows, Madara finally awakened his Rinnegan. By the time Madara awakened his rinnegan he was already on his way to hug death. So Madara made a plan with his creation black Zetsu. Madara formed a organization called Akatsuki and Madara also gave his Rinnegan to a Uzumaki child named Nagato.

With white Zetsu help, Madara managed to get a pair of Uchiha eyes. Madara then recruited some Kage rank Rogue ninja. They were Kisame who wanted Samahade from Finn, two immortal ghosts Hidan, Kakuzu. Madara also managed to recruit the original Akatsuki leaders and they were Nagato, Konan. Nagato agreed with Madara's plan because he also wanted world peace and wanted revenge for the death of their best friend Yahiko. All this time, Madara kept himself in the shadow only Kisame knew about Madara's existence.

Madara manipulated many things so that he could bring Nagato under his palm. Starting from the death of his parents to the death of his best friend, everything was planned by Madara but executed by others.

"Zutsu, how is our plan to capture the nine tails is going?" Madara asked. He was sitting on a chair. Black Zetsu stood kneeled in front of Madara.

"Madara-sama, everything is going as you expected. Orochimaru has agreed to help us."

"Good" Madara smiled in satisfaction.

"How is Obito doing?" Madara asked.

"Obito is training with his squad. After the war ended, Obito is focusing on getting closer to the girl in his squad."

Madara originally wanted to capture Obito and brainwash him. Madara felt that Obito would become the perfect Candidate to take his position and watch over the Akatsuki.

"Zetsu, keep watching over Obito. For now our plan is to capture the nine tails. This is the perfect time to capture the nine tails from the hidden leaf. Now that Finn is away from the village, capturing the nine tails should be easy." Madara closed his eyes and began to think about the changes that happened due to Finn.

Everything was going according to Madara's plan until a parasite named Finn came. Finn destroyed Madara's grand plan to find his successor, Obito. Finn stopped the third great ninja war that was suppose to go on for years. Madara had no choice but to make new plans. In the elemental continent, Finn is the only being capable enough to threaten Madara's plan. That's why Madara always tried to keep his eyes on Finn but he couldn't do it. In all the years, Finn is the only being who had given Madara such a headache.



"Who is talking about me?" Finn rubbed his nose. Currently Finn, Nagahide and Echidna was traveling through the forest. They were heading towards one of the Devil King's territory. Finn had changed his appearance to the Sasuke Uchiha. Nagahide and Echidna also changed their appearance with makeup.

"Master we have been walking for the whole day, Don't you think we should have dinner now?" Nagahide asked while looking at Finn, meaning asking for some help in convincing Echidna.

But Finn pretends to not see Nagahide pleading look and kept walking with straight face.

"Nagahide stop pretending and keep walking. Right now some villagers have seen us walking out of the village. The villagers will definitely sell our information for money and people will definitely came after us." Echidna already had their route. Still she was worried, as expected of a Mercenary with 100 years of experience.

Finn is very grateful to Nagahide and Echidna. Both girls abandoned their home and were running with him. All this happened because of Finn. If Finn was alone then he could have easily hide himself using his transformation jutsu bt now Echidna and Nagahide was caught in this mess. Finn felt guilty for what he has brought upon Echidna and Nagahide.

"Echidna, do you know anything about a black dragon?" Finn asked this same question few days ago but Echidna refused to answer. But in that few days many things have happened. Echidna has opened herself to Finn. She no longer shows that cold attitude towards Finn.

"Black Dragon?" Nagahide looked at Finn. No one knew what she was thinking now. Her eyes was filled with doubt, confusion, suspicion.

"Come to think of it, you asked me this same question before right?" Finn nodded.

Echidna and Nagahide looked at each other and nodded.

"You see Finn, there used to be a black dragon race that lived in this forest. The whole race always kept themselves away from the outsiders. I don't know the full story but I heard some rumors saying that some powerful factions attacked the black dragon race and every black dragon was killed except one."

Finn confirmed that Tio was the last Black dragon of her race.

"So what happened to that last remaining dragon?" Finn felt sad for Tio. The girl has been suppressing her emotions very well and showing everyone her bright side even though her entire family was slaughtered. This type of person is very rare.

'I will help her to get revenge.' Finn knew that the faction who has killed the black dragon race will definitely came after him. Now Finn only needed enough information to know who they were.

Seeing Finn's look, Echidna and Nagahide knew that Finn had some connection to Black Dragon race. Both girls decided no to ask any question. They wanted Finn to open up when he is ready.

"Honestly speaking, I don't know. I heard she escaped. So some factions wanted to capture her. They sent a mission to every guilds in the entire continent, asking to know her location. Even I and Nagahide also searched for the black dragon but we never found anything. But after few days, the black dragon appeared in public then mysteriously disappeared." Finn nodded with a complicated look.

[Sorry for the late update, I was sick for many days. I still haven't taken Covid 19 vaccine yet so you should know the rest. I will try my 100% to upload daily so support me with power stones.

Written by: - your shameless Author]