Chapter 81 - Chaos in Hidden leaf, Kushina meets the Akatsuki

Cao's golden spear now had turned into a giant spear of 50 meters and the spear was still growing in size along with the golden glow.

Even Echidna and Nagahide could see the golden spear from the inner area. All the animals in the surrounding began to flee for their life.

The 60 meters tall golden spear struck down earth at lightning speed. A huge 100 meters big golden ray released by the spear.

While being in the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, Finn focused a tremendous amount of chakra into one of his Truth-Seeking Balls and grasps it in his hand to create a giant golden sword of pure chakra. He could also focus it into a single blast.

A huge dark golden sword of more than 100 clashed with the 100 meters big golden ray. The attack scale was so huge that even Echidna and Nagahide was able to see it from inner area. Finn knew that collision between this two attacks will cause lots of damage so he teleported himself to a safe distance.


The collision was so huge that it made a thunderous sound which was heard in every part of the core and inner area of the forest.

Far away Echidna and Nagahide had climbed the top of a big tree to see what was happening in the core area, where Finn and Cao was fighting.

When they climbed the top of the tree, both Nagahide and Echidna saw two golden rays colliding and making a huge thunderous sound all over the forest.

"What happening?" Nagahide and Echidna closed their eyes because of the intensity of the light.

"Maybe this is the final attack. This attack that will determine the winner and the loser."

'I lots of questions I want to ask him. I knew he was strong but never thought he would this strong.' Before today, Echidna would never even have guessed that the pervert is this powerful.

After few minutes, the smoke finally disappeared. Finn couldn't teleport to the place where the battle took place because all of his teleportation marks was destroyed along with the explosion,

Finn walked near the ex-battle field which was completed destroyed. Trees around 500 meters destroyed from impact of the explosion. There was a huge crater which was about 200 meters in size and 70 meters deep.

Finn walked down the crater and while activating his Tenseigan, looking for Cao's body. 'This fight was so satisfying. I was able to know about my new eye powers. The tenseigan acts as a storage or battery for chakra, If enough chakra is fed to the battery then I am activate my tenseigan mode. Just to feed and power up the tenseigan, I have to use almost half of my chakra.'


Looking at the damage done by their final attacks, Finn sighed in relief. 'Fortunately, I used teleportation to get out otherwise even I would have taken very serious damage from the explosion.'

Finn looked at the wound on his right chest which had stopped bleeding and now was healing.

After walking down the crater, Finn saw a body, which was completely burned black.

"Cao is dead."

Finn kneeled in front of Cao and said. "Join me and became my eternal servant. ARISE!"

A black shadow with his golden spear, kneeled in front of Finn. "This servant greets the master."

.....Scene change

Clone of Finn along with his two shadows teleported in front of the village entrance. Finn quickly met the guard who saluted him.


"What happened?" Finn asked.

"Captain this is an emergency situation. 50,000 shinobi from other villages has attacked our village. Now lord third and lord fourth along with every genin to jounin rank ninja has joined the battle."

"How can 4 great nations have 50,000 shinobi. If it was before the third great ninja war then this situation might make some sense but now this situation is little suspicious." Finn massaged his temples.

The guard wanted to ask who are the two black shadows standing behind Finn but he forced himself from asking any question because of the emergency situation.

'Shinobi from other villages, I don't think so. Especially Onoki that old geezer won't form alliance with Sand and cloud instead he would try to conquer the cloud village. Onoki might have conquered cloud village after their weakening in the third war, but he didn't do it because of the hidden leaf. Since we have signed a peace treaty with cloud, that means we are clouds allies in name and Onoki won't dare to provoke the leaf.'

'It doesn't make sense for other villages to attack leaf knowing that they will fail so the only option remains is the Akatsuki. The akatsuki must have used White Zetsu to impersonate ninjas from five villages. But why?' Finn massaged his temples and thought.

'The Akatsuki has only one purpose that it collect the tail.. shit Kushina is in trouble.'

"Itsuki and Black tiger come with me hurry up." Finn used his tenseigan to find where Kushina is currently. In this world, Kushina is not in a relationship with Minato and Minato has his own girlfriend that means Kushina does not has Minato's teleportation mark on her.

"There she is"

"Captain, the battle is...Captain already had disappeared. The guard sighed.

Kushina's Pov....

"Every ninja in the village has been ordered by the Hokage himself to join the battle." Kushina and other ninja in the village heard the loud sound.

"What happened?" I was peacefully having dinner when I heard there was a emergency. I hurriedly changed my clothes to ninja clothing and took my sword and sealing items with me.

I ran outside and was heading towards the entrance of the village but on my way...

"Nine tails host, why are you in a hurry?" I turned to look at the source of the voice and saw a man with orange spiky hair and his eyes were light purple irides with a ripple-pattern that spreads over the eyeball. He also bore six piercings, a metal bar through each ear, three studs through the side of its upper nose, and one spike stud on each end of the bottom lip. It also had three piercings on each wrist, at least one on its upper wrist and some just under his neck. He was wearing black cloak with red cloud.

For some reason this man give a danger vibe. I became cautious seeing that an outsider managed to get inside the village. I took out my sword and was ready to kill this man. But...

"Lady, why don't you come with us?" I became startled and looked back to see a man a very tall one, tan-skinned man with long dark-brown hair. His eyes had an unusual colouring: green irides, no pupils and red sclerae. A black-coloured mask covering his lower face. He also was wearing black cloak with red cloud.

"Who are you?" I asked. I knew for sure that these two's strength is at least Above Jounin since they were able to enter the village without any noticing.

"We are the Akatsuki." I again heard another voice, this time the voice was feminine. I looked at my right side and saw a women with short, straight blue hair with a bun. She was wearing black cloak with red cloud.


[~Finn Anderson

→Strength:- 500

→Speed:- 1,000

→Charm:- 90

→Stamina:- 1,000

→Chakra:- 25,740

→Bloodline:- Azure Dragon bloodline (Half dragon)

→Skills: Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution, Shadow Clone, Flying thunder god, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tenshou), Eight inner gates(unlocked till The gate of limit) Monarch's Domain, Shadow Exchange, Shadow Extraction, Shadow Preservation

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan, Sage body (Divine), Azure dragon wings (Divine), Bloodlust, Ruler's Authority (New innate abilities) Immunity, Detoxification, Tenacity, Longevity

→Nature:- lightning, Fire, water, darkness

→SP points: - 255

→Attribute points: - 100

→Shadows Number: - 3 ]