Chapter 86 - Orochimaru is interested in reanimation jutsu

Minato was about teleport and attack the Deva Path pain with his rasengan but suddenly something happened. All the 5 Paths of pain fell on the ground, looking lifeless.

A creepy monster face appeared and opened its mouth. Green light particles began to flow from it mouth.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, the green light enveloped around the dead Shinobi and began to heal their wounds. After healing the wounds, The dead shinobi began to return back to life.

"What the hell" Hiruzen eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sakumo, Minato, Kushina and everyone could not believe what was happening.


Yahiko's body fall on the ground. Finn can sense the chakra inside Yahiko is slowly fading. Konan sat beside Yahiko with a sad look.

"Finn, life is very hard and painful. We have experienced two great wars, we know just how much the people are suffering. I, Konan and Yahiko was one of them. I wanted to be the savior of the world but it turned out I became the villain. In the end, I am just a broken man."

Finn shook his head and corrected. "No, nagato. You are a broken Hero."


"Broken Hero, Huh! That's a nice nickname. Goodbye my dead little sister, Konan...."


Finn sighed. 'I wish i could have met him earlier. Then I perhaps I could have change things.'

"Konan, wait here. I will come back with Nagato's real body." Konan nodded. Finn decided to take the rinnegan before Madara sent his Black Zetsu to take them.

'It looks like I have to end this black zetsu and Madara before they do anything troublesome.' It did not take Finn much time to find the body of red haired, now white haired man.

Finn carefully put the rinnegan in a container and then teleported in front of Konan with his body.

"I have kept the rinnegan in this container. The rinnegan is too precious. If Madara gets his hands on rinnegan then it would be extremely hard to stop him."

But Finn is sure he can beat Six paths Madara.

Konan nodded and wrapped the bodies of Yahiko and Nagato with white papers. "Finn, keep the rinnegan. Just promise me this, when you kill Madara, let me watch the whole thing." Finn nodded.

"I promise"

"Finn, please take me to that peaceful place you talked about." Finn nodded and touched Konan's palma and teleported to Rising Dragon Island, directly to his Mansion.

In the mansion, Finn introduced Konan to Kaguya, Tio and Tsunade.

"Everyone meet Konan. From now on she is going to live with us."

"Where did she came from?" Tsunade looked at Finn asked lazily.

"The hidden leaf was attacked by group of Akatsuki.....bla bla bla then I bought her here." Finn explained the things that happened in the village.

Tsunade relaxed knowing that nothing could happen with Finn guarding the village.

"Konan, My name is Kaguya, she is Tsunade, she is Tio." The ladies began to chat about various things which man would consider absolutely useless.

Finn said goodbye to Kaguya and teleported to hidden leaf.

Itsuki with his extreme high speed easily killed the remaining White Zetsu while others was distracted with the revival part.


Hiruzen, Minato, Sakumo and Kushina was looking at Finn who teleported in front of them.

"Finn, do you know who casued this?" Sakumo asked.

"It's the Akatsuki. For now I don't have much information but I am sure their goal is to hunt all the tail beasts from the every nation. Fortunately, I came in time and was able to save Kushina."

"What happened to the one you were chasing after?" Asked Hiruzen.

"I fought with the main Pain but others, Kisama, Hidan and Kakuzu are dead. Minato we have to be careful of the Akatsuki, imagine if the Akatsuki were to attack the village with 100,000 White Zetsu." Minato and Hiruzen sucked a cold breath and looked at each other.

"But no need to worry. For now, at least for few years Akatsuki won't show themselves. Since this fight has weakened them. But I advise you to change the village barrier settings. There is a possibility that the Akatsuki has gotten safety pass to enter the village from someone." Hearing Finn's words, Hiruzen understood that his former students must have sold the information to the Akatsuki which made Hiruzen feel very guilty and sad.

"Finn, do you know who bought our dead shinobi back to life?" Minato, Sakumo and Hiruzen looked for an answer.

"It must the leader of Akatsuki, pain. He possess the rinnegan and other five pains you fought is also a part of him. He probably felt guilty for killing so many people, so in exchange for his life he brought everyone back."

Hiruzen and Sakumo looked at each other in shock.

"Finn, did you say rinnegan? The legendary Dojutsu used by the Sage of Six paths." Hiruzen as the professor had heard the myth of Sage of Six paths. He always thought that rinnegan is just a myth and nothing else. But now one of the most strongest dojutsu just appeared and attacked their village.

"Yes, rinnegan. But unfortunately Pain's rinnegan was destroyed along with his body. Both his body and everything turned to dust because of losing vitality." Finn does not the rinnegan to fall on Konoha's hand. First of all, Madara can easily get his rinnegan back with Black Zetsu help. Bringing the rinnegan to the village will let Uchiha clan members who are always proud for their eye powers will show strong reaction.

"That's unfortunate" Hiruzen sighed. He really wanted to research on the rinnegan.

"Lord Hokage, I have completed my work. Now I will return to my journey. One more thing, Tsunade is also traveling. So if you need her then just call me." Minato nodded. Hiruzen also didn't had any issue with it. Both knew that Tsunade gambler and the village is like a cage for her. Both of them did not knew that Tsunade had stopped gambling and drinking. After she met Finn, many things have changed about ther.

__________Meanwhile, the real Finn

[Congratulation to master for completing hidden mission and getting 100 SP points.]

"Mia, you finally appeared. For few chapters I thought the author had completely abandoned you from this novel."

[HMph! I was just sleeping.]

"Tell the truth, I know you did not issue any quest because of were sleeping."

[Hmph! That's why I said hidden mission.]

"Yeah! Yeah! I have to check on Echidna and Nagahide.

___________Scene change

"Curse you Finn." Madara roared. His perfect plan was broken once again. Madara if he was in his prime then he would have directly attacked Finn.

"Even the rinnegan is lost." Rinnegan is the most essential element to complete his plan.

"Lord Madara, I have an idea." Black Zetsu lowered his head before Madara and dare not to look in his eyes. Even though this man had become old, he still had that fierce warrior aura.

"Speak" Madara sounded irritated and frustrated.

"Madara, I have learned that Orochimaru is interested in reanimation jutsu. Perhaps we share the same goal but in different way." Black Zetsu teased the idea of reanimation jutsu. One of the forbidden jutsu, developed the 2nd hokage and right now Orochimaru is trying to perfect it.

"Black Zetsu, arrange a meeting with Orochimaru. With how things are going, it won't be long before Finn or the hidden leaf comes to find us."


[~Finn Anderson

→Strength:- 500

→Speed:- 1,000

→Charm:- 90

→Stamina:- 1,000

→Chakra:- 25,740

→Bloodline:- Azure Dragon bloodline (Half dragon)

→Skills: Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution, Shadow Clone, Flying thunder god, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tenshou), Eight inner gates(unlocked till The gate of limit) Monarch's Domain, Shadow Exchange, Shadow Extraction, Shadow Preservation

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan, Sage body (Divine), Azure dragon wings (Divine), Bloodlust, Ruler's Authority (New innate abilities) Immunity, Detoxification, Tenacity, Longevity

→Nature:- lightning, Fire, water, darkness

→SP points: - 355

→Attribute points: - 100

→Shadows Number: - 3 ]