Chapter 91 - Necromancer faction

"Please Enjoy" The head maid of Gremory Family, Grayfia is known as the Strongest Queen and the Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation.

Grayfia is a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and red eyes. She was wearing a blue and white French maid outfit with long sleeves and a white maid headband over her head with red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory.


[Picture in the comment]


Opposite to Finn, was sitting a man with long red hair. Sirzechs is a handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder length crimson hair and blue eyes inherited from his father, Zeoticus Gremory.

"So Mister Finn, can you tell us about Cao of Hero faction."


Time rewind no Jutsu__

Sirzechs invited Finn who was pretending to be an old man inside his house. After entering, Grayfia bought Finn to the living room, where Sirzechs was waiting for him.

Finn then changed his appearance surprising Sirzechs and Grayfia. Grayfia being cautious immediately attacked Finn but Finn easily dodged with his speed.


"Sirzechs Lucifer, I came here to talk. Out of all the factions out there, your faction is the most popular and peaceful, Your faction reputation can be compared with angle faction. As a peace loving man, I came here to talk. Instead of entering your room by force, I came here politely and I think you should respect that." Sirzechs and Grayfia both understood Finn's words meaning. Finn was indirectly saying them that he came here to talk not to fight. But he is ready to fight anytime.


Grayfia being a smart women immediately apologized.

"My apologizes, please sit down so that we can talk." Finn sat opposite to Sirzechs and looked at him.

"Finn, I also apologize on behalf of Grayfia. She is little overprotective when it comes to protecting our Family. I hope you can understand and take no offense." Sirzechs didn't even tried to test the water since he knew that this young man is extremely dangerous. Sirzechs has heard the rumor of Cao and his S rank party being slaughtered by this man.


"It's alright. I would have done the same thing if I were in her position." Finn's words surprised both Grayfia and Sirzechs. After hearing the news of Cao and his party death, everyone assumed that Finn is a lunatic. Sirzechs even heard some rumors saying that Finn had killed normal citizens and stole their money.

'It looks like we judged him wrong. Those rumors are just false allegation to cover those idiots deed.'


Back to present__

"Mister Sirzechs, I know you have questions for me. Go Ahead, ask them. If me answering to your questions would help you to trust me completely." Finn wanted to form alliance with Sirzechs and wanted his faction's help on finding the culprit responsible for the death of Tio's parents and the black dragons.


Again Sirzechs and Grayfia was surprised by Finn's words.

"We heard that you and your team, Echidna and Nagahide had killed Cao and his team member." Sirzechs wanted to know the truth.

"Yes, I fought Cao while Echidna and Nagahide fought the rest. My shadows assisted Nagahide and Echidna in killing Cao's teammates. If you ask me why I killed him, then I would say he got what he deserved."

"He was after my life because of 1 billion Gold coins."


"Excuse me Mister Finn, what did you meant when you said shadows?" This time Grayfia asked the question. Finn smiled and summoned Itsuki and the black tiger. Finn hid Cao because Finn wanted to keep some cards secret. Logically speaking, Finn also doesn't completely trusts Sirzechs so he wanted to keep a few secret trump cards.


Sirzechs and Grayfia was shocked by the amount of Mana coming from Itsuki's body.

'This shadows power is already in peak or even above Superclass Devil rank.' Sirzechs and Grayfia looked each other in shock.

'No wonder a powerful man like Cao died. If Finn's shadows are that powerful then how powerful is Finn?'


Finn summoned Itsuki and the black tiger back to his shadow. Sirzechs being a leader, quickly managed to calm himself.

"Mister Finn, let's get to the main point. What do you want from us? I know you came here for a reason." Finn smiled. If other faction leader were here then they would have tried to get Finn in their faction but Sirzechs did the opposite which the also the reason Finn came to him.


"I want to know who attacked the black dragon race?" Itsuki knew that Tio is not going to open her mouth since as a dragon she would want to take revenge by herself. As a Dragon, Tio too had her pride and would never or very rarely ask for help.

"Finn, tell you the truth, even we have that much information on this matter. But I heard some dark forces, like Undead faction is responsible. The undead faction wanted to convert black dragons into undead dragon."


"Can you give their location? I want to destroy the Undead Faction." Undead faction is also known as the Necromancer faction.

Sirzechs smiled. He too didn't liked the Necromancer faction and wanted someone to deal with the faction. With Finn's strength dealing Necromancer Faction would easy.

"I will need some time. Our faction has spy in every city, so in one week we should find some lead." Finn nodded.


"Meanwhile, Mister Finn can you please stay here and train my little sister." Finn looked at Sirzechs in surprise. I thought the Devil King sister would be very strong. Seeing Finn looking at him, Sirzechs felt little embarrassed. Finn

"You see my sister is little arrogant. She never trainer her powers. She thinks with my title no one would dare to harm her so she never trained seriously. So please train my sister for at least a week."


"Training you sister Huh?....'Well I have currently nothing else to do. It wouldn't hurt to train the Devil king's sister.'

"Okay, I agree but my training is going to be really tough. You must promise me that you or anyone from your family won't intervene during our training." Finn guessed Sirzechs was kind of a overprotective brother. He never forced his sister to train which the reason why his sister is weak.


Sirzechs smiled and nodded. "I promise." Finn nodded with a smile.

"Grayfia, can you arrange everything for Mister Finn?" Grayfia nodded. Before Grayfia could leave, Finn spoke.

"Stop adding Mister and just call me Finn." Sirzechs smiled in response.


"Finn, do you know anything about about the disappearance of Demon Princess, Mio Naruse?" Sirzechs was hoping that Finn would know something about the Demon Faction princess.

"Who again?"