Chapter 99 - Six Paths mode and Tenseigan

"By getting the 9 tailed beasts chakra you will gain 6 path mode which will run out once all the 9 tailed beasts chakra runs out. After achieving six paths mode, you should able to use light and dark natures. Using both light and dark natures, you can destroy the seal on my body and I will regain my powers." Finn nodded. Since collecting chakra of nine tails beast should be easy for him.


"What about the ten tails?" Finn couldn't help but ask. Kaguya shook her head and said. "The ten tails doesn't belong to me. Awakening the Ten tail will only bring the Otsutsuki clan to earth. I just want to live and visit various places with you. Even if I were to cultivate the divine tree and harvest the chakra fruit to get more powerful, the whole thing will affect earth nature energy." Kaguya looked at the red sun and said.


"Once I get back my powers, I will show something which will surprise you extremely." Kaguya words made Finn curious what surprise she was talking about. Shaking his head, Finn decided to enjoy the moment instead of thinking.

"Let's bring Tsunade, Rin, Shizune, Echidna, Nagahide, Tio, Konan everyone here the next time." Finn nodded as he held her hand and looked at the sunset.



While Kaguya and the original Finn was enjoying their date, Rias had to train for the entire day while wearing weights. Rias was completely exhausted.

Huff! Huff!

Rias exhaustedly lied on the ground and she was breathing heavily. "I think my body must have been broken. Never thought that bastard would make me run 20 laps wearing weights."


"Hey, I am still here. If you curse again, then I will multiply your training by 21 times." Hearing Finn's threatening words, Sona who was sitting beside Rias shivered unconsciously as she remember the brutal physical training that Finn put Rias through. Rias also trembled and she immediately shut her mouth.


"I have asked Grayfia, she will give you some books on battle tactics, read everything tonight." Rias wanted to complain again but she shut her mouth when she remembered what Finn does when she failed to obey his orders during training.

'At least I can remove the weights from my body.' Rias comforted her heart with this words. But the next words made Rias miserable."One more thing, you are not allowed to remove the weight, if you do then tomorrow I will increase the weights heaviness by 20 kg each."


Whatever thoughts Rias had about removing the weights on the body was completely removed. On the other hand, Sona felt pity for her best friend. 'Fortunately, I am not the one who suffering this miserable fate. I can't imagine if Rias will even survive next 6 days.'


"That's it for today. Tomorrow get up early in the morning, our training will start after breakfast that means you are going to join your family for breakfast." Usually during holidays Rias gets up very late in the morning, not morning in afternoon. Rias wastes her time by reading romantic novels very late in the night and she doesn't listens to her brother or Grayfia.


Rias just could glare at Finn. If Rias had the strength then she would have punched Finn's handsome face more than thousand times.

Ignoring her glare, Finn turned to Sona. "Sona please take your best friend to her room. One more thing don't be late for dinner otherwise your training will be increased again."


Finn the reported everything to Grayfia and told her to pay attention. "You are not going to join us for dinner?" Grayfia was hoping that Finn would join the Gremory family for dinner. Finn was about to decline since he wanted to have dinner with his family, everyone together but Grayfia next words made Finn reconsider.

"Actually, Lord Sirzechs and his parents wanted to talk with you."


Since Finn is getting help from Gremory family. Now that Finn is their ally, on his first visit, it would be rude to leave when the Devil king is inviting you. So Finn agreed to join Grayfia for dinner.

"When dinner is going to start?" Finn asked.

"About an hour." Grayfia.

"Okay, then I will come during dinner. For now I will head back home." Finn then teleported in front of Grayfia.


When the clone Finn disappeared, the real Finn got all the memories and information of the clone.

"Kaguya tonight we are going to eat together. Should we order food from here or should I help you in making dinner?" Finn let Kaguya decide since she is the head of this house. Kaguya thought for a moment and choose to cook.

"But you have to help in cutting the vegetable and meats. Recently I have learned some dishes, I wanted to cook them for you." Finn gave a kiss on her face and left Sunburst city with Kaguya.


After returning home, Kaguya went to take a bath first while Finn started cutting the vegetables according to Kaguya's instruction.

Meanwhile Tsunade, Rin, Shizune, Echidna, Nagahide, Tio, Konan all came to living room after taking a bath together. But from time to time Echidna and Tsunade would glare at each other and look away while snorting.


Rin heard some sounds from the kitchen and guessed that Finn and Kaguya must have returned from their date.

"Sister Kaguya, what are you making?" Rin thought Kaguya was working in the kitchen but to her surprise, Rin saw Finn was cutting vegetables in the kitchen.

"Finn, you are back" Rin shouted in joy and run to the kitchen.


Rin's voice also attracted all the other girls attraction. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, everyone saw that Finn and Rin was hugging each other. "I missed you. I also want to go to a date." Rin pouted. Finn poked her cheek and said with a smile.

"Sure, no problem. We go out if you are free day after tomorrow."

"Good!" Rin couldn't wait for day after tomorrow


"Finn, have your clone reached Sunburst city already?" Echidna asked. Finn nodded and said. "Last night my clone my reached the city and marked a place near the city with teleportation jutsu. This morning I went to Sunburst city, meet Lucifer Sirzechs, rescued the daughter of previous demon king and I even trained a red haired princess under Sirzechs request." Finn told everyone what happened.


'In short a lot has happened today and I am mentally tired.' Finn sighed.

[Master's that's to be expected. But you enjoyed our day to the fullest.]

'Can't deny that.'


"By the way, I know staying one place might feel suffocating so how about you all go to SunBurst city and have fun?" Everyone looked at each other and in the end everyone looked at Echidna since she had visited the city multiple times in the past. "Sure, why not. I am familiar with the city and I promise you won't be bored even for a second." Echidna then proudly looked at Tsunade, telling that who is better now. Tsunade just snorted and looked away.


"Konan you are feeling? Do you need anything?" Finn asked since Konan just lost her brother like figure. Nagato before dying handed Konan to Finn and Finn intends to take care of her.

"I am fine, thank you for asking. I just need some more time." Finn noticed that Konan had become even more quiet and expressionless after Nagato's death. 'Nagato's death must have really affected her.'


"Konan, do you know, how many tailed beasts the Akatsuki currently had collected?" Finn's task of finding and getting tailed beasts chakra would be be very easy. He only needed the information.
