Chapter 110 - Hidden Rock village 

After dealing with Rias and Mio, Finn teleported to the border of Land of Earth. Finn had marked the borders of every great nations that he visited during the 3rd great Shinobi war. The Hidden Rock village was located at the center of the Land of Earth. The Land of Earth shared borders with Land of Wind and the Land of Fire.


The Land of Earth is located north-west of the Land of Fire. Its government leader is the Earth Daimyō. The country is mostly comprised of desolate, rocky areas. The border of the Land of Earth runs along a rocky mountain range, blocking communication with other countries. The wind blowing from the north passes over these mountains, carrying small rocks from the Land of Earth to the surrounding countries. This famous natural phenomenon is called "Rock Rain".


The Land of Earth is smaller compared to the Land of Wind. Finn had to flew for few hours before reaching the Hidden Rock village.

Finn did not enter Hidden Rock village since from what he knew Roshi would leave the village to better understand and control the power of the beast within him. "I am surprised that the old fox Onoki allowed Roshi to leave the village but then again Roshi is said to be as hard headed as Onoki. Roshi and Onoki must have came under some agreement which let Roshi to leave Hidden Rock village without any conflicts with Onoki."


"The problem is not I don't where Roshi is. I am sure he is still in the Land of Earth but where I am not sure." Finn closed his and began to remember where Roshi might go.

"Land of Earth is mostly comprised of desolate, rocky areas. If Roshi had to go anywhere that would be Mountains. Then do I have to search every mountain in the Land of Earth? No, that would take a long time even with my clones help."


Finn closed his eyes and began to think of any other think Roshi was known...."Yes, Roshi of the Lava style. When Itachi and Kisame had came to capture Roshi it was shown that Roshi was somewhat capable of controlling the 4th tails powers. So the only place Roshi would go for controlling his tailed beast powers are volcano."


Finn stopped in front a small village which looked like it was a part of Hidden Rock. Finn could see farming lands so he guessed that the people here are farmers.

Finn entered the small village. After entering the village, Finn saw small children playing with each others, housewife are cooking outside, the few mans are working on making straw hats. "This place has a peaceful vibe. I guess not everyplace is affected by the war." Finn smiled seeing such thing. This whole scene reminded Finn about mountain villages from Earth.


Several people saw Finn standing at the entrance and looking here and there. The villagers didn't approach Finn in fear, since were afraid and thought Finn was a enemy or bandit. But the village head who was a old man in his 60s knew that Finn was not a bandit. If Finn was a bandit then he would have attacked or threatened everyone.


The old man walked towards Finn with slow steps while holding a staff to support his body. Finn also approached the old man. "Sir, can you please tell us the reason for your visit?" The old man politely said. The old man after living for so long knew that if he didn't showed respect to shinobi then he and his little village wouldn't survive.


"Grandpa you can me Finn. I was wondering if you could tell me anything about volcanoes in the Land of Earth." Finn kept his tone polite. He had no reason to disrespect someone who had given him respect.

The village head thought for a minute and said. "Finn come with me." The village head lead Finn to his house which was made up from rocks and straws. The house was not that big but enough for 2 peoples to live comfortably.


"Finn, please sit down on the chair. It might take few minutes or more to find the map of Land of Earth." Finn nodded and said.

"Take your time Grandpa." Finn called the old man grandpa as a way of showing respect to him. The village head went to another room to search for the map. When the village head left, Finn noticed some small children are peeking at Finn from outside.


Seeing this Finn took out few wooden shurikens and gave it to the children.

"Here" The children eyes glowed in stars seeing the wooden shurikens. All the children bowed to Finn. "Thank you big brother." Finn smiled and nodded in response.

By that time, the village head had come out with a map of Land of earth. Seeing that Finn has given gifts to the children the village head smiled and thanked Finn for that.


"Thank you for that. We usually don't go out of the village. And buying things like that is expensive for normal villagers like us. But still we are happy. Our living condition is much better than the normal people living in the borders of great nations." Finn also nodded. Finn is also from a rural village so he knows what the normal people has to go through just to get food. Sometimes normal people are forced to kill another human just to live.


"In the land of Earth, there is 4 volcanoes. Two of the volcanoes are active volcano and other two are dormant." The village head explained and showed the location of four volcanoes in the Land of Earth.

"Thank you very much for giving the information. One more thing please don't anyone about me otherwise you might get in trouble." Finn took out 10,000 ryo and gave it to village head. Finn gave the money to keep his mouth shut and also for giving him the information.


The village head being a old man he immediately knew that he has to keep his mouth shut in exchange for the money. He would kept his mouth shut even without the money. But he is happy with the money.

"Next time I came here, I hope you and your village will accept me. I might came here with my girlfriends." The village head laughed and nodded.

"We and my village welcomes you here."


Finn then said goodbye to the old man and left to search for Roshi.

Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu!

"Each of you head to the four volcanoes and search for Roshi of the lava style." With the original Finn's order, the 4 clones of Finn flew away in four direction. While the real Finn kept flying and waiting for his clones to find something.


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