Chapter 132 - Pakura meets Konan

"Come with me." Pakura held Finn's hand and then disappeared. Finn directly teleported to his Mansion.

"Welcome to my Mansion." Finn released Pakura's hand. Pakura looked around in surprise. Even though Pakura was Kage rank ninja, had one of the highest positions in the village, she never had anything like this. Pakura earned millions of Ryo by completing missions and she donated most of her money in the orphanage.

Kaguya and other girls didn't slept properly for 3 days so after meeting with Finn, all the girls had food and then went to sleep. Finn estimates the girls wouldn't wake up before evening.

"My girlfriends are sleeping. I will show your room." Pakura stopped walking and looked at Finn with a cold look.

"What did meant my girlfriends?" Pakura felt Finn had taken advantage of her by kissing her at that time.

Finn certainly felt little uneasy and wanted to avoid this topic But it was not possible since Pakura was going to live with his family.

"Yes, I have 3 girlfriends and one fiance. I am very grateful that my women had agreed to live together with each other." Finn's didn't look at Pakura's eyes since he felt little guilty talking to her while looking at her eyes.

Pakura for some felt she should slap Finn and go back. She was feeling uncomfortable. Finn had just taken her first kiss and now she finds that Finn had multiple woman living together happily. Inwardly Pakura was hoping that Finn would take responsibility for what he did.

Pakura took a long breath to calm herself and asked. "Tell me about your women?"

"Kaguya, the Ice princess. Princess Tsunade of the Senju clan. The nine tails Rin Osaka. The dragon princess Tio." Pakura wanted to ask what's with this weird titles.

Pakura was really shocked learning that Tsunade was one of Finn's woman. Pakura wondered how Finn managed to seduce the slug princess despite the age gap between them.

"Stop looking at me like I am some kind of despicable person. My girlfriends had known about each other from the start and still chose to stay with me. Now come with me, I will introduce you to someone you might have heard of." Pakura held back the questions she wanted to ask Finn and followed him.

Finn lead Pakura out of the mansion. While walking, Finn also told her a bit about this place.

"I discovered this place before the third Great Ninja war started. This island is very far away from elemental nation and no one has ever came here before. This place is a massive Island, half the size of Land of Fire. After finding this place I built a Mansion for my family and also let some ordinary people settle near my Mansion. The name of this Island is Rising Dragon Island." Pakura could only listen since she was not sure what she should say hearing his words. Just the news of such big unclaimed land can cause another war among the villages.

"The one you're going to meet is a former ninja from Akatsuki. She is also from Hidden Rain village." Pakura narrowed her eyes hearing that Finn was letting another woman stay at his Mansion.

"We are here." Pakura stopped walking and looked at the scene in front of her. In front of her there was a little village which surrounded wooden fortress. At the north part of the village, there was farming lands, a small river flowing between the farming land.

The village houses was made from wood. The village roads was properly built and maintained. Everyone in the village looked very happy and without any worries.

"What do you think?" Finn knew that Konan and others must have helped the villagers. Konan is spending most of her times with the villagers. She helps them every way she can. By helping others she feels that she redeeming herself.

Finn and Pakura walked and entered the village. Even though many villagers was curious about who these new strangers were, no one said anything to them.

Finn could see that the villagers was not affected by his and Pakura's presence. The villagers continued to do their work. Man was going to hunt, children was playing with kites, women was cooking or sewing clothes.

"This village might be the only village in the whole elemental nations to have true peace and not affected by war." Pakura felt envious on how peacefully the villagers was living their life.

Finn didn't comment because he stared at the blue haired girl who was playing with children, showing them how to make paper toys.

Finn could see the genuine and happy smile on Konan's face. 'At least she is smiling. It looks she also has found a place in this village and she is living her own new life here.' Pakura also looked at the same direction as Finn did and saw a certain woman whom she didn't expect she would meet again in her life.

"It's her." Pakura exclaimed in surprise

Finn looked at Pakura at surpise. "You know her?" Finn didn't think Pakura and Konan would know each other.

"Yes, I do. I met her when I was sent on a 3 months long mission to investigate the situation of Hidden Rain during the 3rd great ninja war. Now I realize Rasa was trying to keep me away from the village so that he can pressure the elders to take over the position of Kazekage." Pakura said the last part in anger.

"I met her for a brief period of time. We met each other in a restaurant. I was drinking and she came to buy some food. She was wearing a black cloak with red clouds patterns." Koana happened to look back and then her face turned serious. Konan felt the man standing in her sight was very familiar.

'Who is he?' Konan approached Finn and Pakura, she was ready to attack and looked very cautious but after taking few steps Konan realized this figure resembled Finn.

"Finn, is that you?" Konan hesitantly asked as she slowly walked towards him. Finn then remembered that when he returned last night, she was already sleeping and couldn't meet him. And this morning Kaguya and others was sleeping so she must have not disturbed them and left.

"It's me Konan." Finn said with a smile. Hearing the familiar tone, Konan couldn't control herself from shedding a tear of joy.

These 3 days Konan was very affected by Kaguya and others. While trying to cheer others her mood was getting worse. Not only that Konan constantly had to look after the three girls. She was afraid the girls might do something with their unstable mind.

"Thank you for looking after Kaguya and others." Finn has heard from Kaguya. Konan had worked really hard these 3 days.

"You don't have to thank me. I think myself as a part of this family so it was my responsibility." Konan said with a smile. Finn could see how much Konan has changed after coming here. Before she used to be quite and cold, Echidna and Nagahide coming had great affect on her. Not just her the whole family was more lively when Echidna and Nagahide came.

Even though it's been only less than 2 weeks since Konan came here, it feels like she has been staying here for years.

"Finn who is she?" Konan could tell she was from Land of wind but not sure who exactly she was. Finn bringing her here means that from now on she is going to stay with them.

"My name is Pakura from hidden Sand village."

Konan nodded her head.

"Hello! My name is Konan." Konan didn't felt like going into about her background so she only said her name.


After introducing no spoke anything which made the atmosphere awkward. Finn felt there was a barrier preventing the two girls from communicating with each other.

"Konan is a former a member of Akatsuki. She has lost her two brothers because she and her brothers was kind of betrayed just like you. You were directly betrayed by your Kazekage."

Both Konan and Pakura at each other and looked at Finn with a look as if asking if it was really necessary to say all this.

"Pakura come with me, I will give you a tour of this village and introduce you with the children." Pakura also didn't hate children so she went with Konan leaving Finn alone behind.

"At least there getting along. Now I have to go back." Finn remembered that he needed to go back so focus on his work in other continent.


"Konan, I am going out. I will back in the evening so please take care of Pakura." Finn shouted.

Konan stopped walking as if she has remembered something. "Did met with Kaguya, Tsunade, Rin and Tio? They are very worried about you. You should spend time with them."

"I already did. I tell everything later when I came back." Finn didn't give Konan to ask anything as he already had disappeared.


"So Pakura what relationship do you have with Finn?" Konan and Pakura was playing with children.

Pakura remembered the kiss that Finn gave her earlier. Seeing Pakura's red cheeks, Konan sighed. "She also have fallen."

"What.. What did you say? I was thinking something else." Pakura asked.


"Nothing. Just remember that you have tough competition." Konan patted Pakura's shoulder and said. "But don't worry I will support you."

"What the hell are you even talking about?"


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