Chapter 137 - Hunt for Kukuo [5 tails] Part 2

"Here is your key sir. Please go to the usual room." The receptionist gave John the key while giving Erika [Finn] a look of pity.

As time passed, Finn was getting more impatient and his urge to beat the hell out of John wick dog also kept on increasing.

"Came let's go."

John took big and quick steps with his fat and stinking body. It looked like John couldn't anymore.

Erika [Finn] walking behind John just showed a evil grin as his face expression slowly turned cold. If John were to know what Erika [Finn] was thinking than he would never enter the room with Erika [Finn].


John opened the door and let Erika [Finn] enter and then he closed the door. "We are not resting until I am satisfied today." John said as he was about to remove his pant.

"Hehe! Mister John I don't think you were a dog in heat." Erika [Finn] voice slowly transformed into Finn's voice as Erika changed his appearance back to Finn.

"Who the hell are you bastard?" John very extremely angry that he was fooled by a ninja. If people were to know about this, then he would be extremely humiliated in public. None of his Genin subordinates would respect him anymore.


"Shut up dog." Finn said in cold tone as he released his killing intent on John. "Wh... Wa.... A... Rrr... Y..... U?" John's voice was shaking, his entire body was trembling.

John felt like a child standing in front of a God. His entire body was covered in sweat. John legs was trembling and had almost lost strength to keep John standing. John felt like his body had turned into a statue, he couldn't move his even an inch. He felt a death had put his sword against John's neck. John's heart was beating wildly. Fear had taken over him and he couldn't think properly

"Mr dog, do you know where is Han?" The reason Finn approached this ugly fat dog because he looked like he had been a shinobi for a long time. He had more chances of knowing where Han was than other newcomers.

John was trembling in fear. Even though John became a Chunin way before 2nd great ninja war, John actually never went to the front line. He was assigned to protect thjs place. During the war times he was a guard of Hidden Rock.

John in his all life only had bullied the weak and now he in facing the same position as the people who he bullied before.


Blue lightning sparks began to appear around Finn's body.

"Answer in 5 seconds otherwise I don't mind killing you and then turning your soul into my shadow and get answers from my shadows." Finn already would have killed John but Finn felt this type low, weak and scums are not worthy of becoming his shadow.

"Wait wait.... John panicked seeing the lightning."Last time I heard about Han was few months ago during 3rd great ninja. I heard from my superior that Han was living in a small village disguised as a ordinary person." The frown on Finn's face became darker. Blue Lightning gathered on his fist and Finn gave John a lightning punch on his face.

"Do you think your words will help me." Finn asked in cold voice as he released his killing intent on John again. There was at least more than 1,000 small and scattered villages in the land of Earth.


If it was previous Finn before his power was not sealed he could have made 1,000 clones to search for Han. But Finn already was using a large number of clones to search for ingredients to heal Sirzechs and using hundreds more to search for Han. There is no way current Finn can withstand the backlash if he uses any more clones.


John face was a mess from the lightning punch. John somehow got up from the ground and looked at Finn in fear.

"I really don't know. I am just a chunin that even lord Kage doesn't care about. I have been staying here for months so I don't get much information on Han." Finn coldly looked at John.

"Since you're so useless than you can die." Finn covered lightning on his left palm and directly drove his hand through his heart.

John looked at Finn hatred and then closed his eyes.



"What I am going to do now?" Finn was least not bothered about the dead body of John. To Finn, killing them is same as killing animals. If these type of people live in the society than someday some innocent girl's or woman's life will be ruined by bastard like John.

Scene change to clone number 7....

This clone of Finn had changed his appearance to a Anime male character who was the MC in the Anime of 'Kaguya-sama Love is war'.

This clone of Finn was walking in a small town near the sea. The town mainly runs on export and import of goods. But over the years more and more people have to live in the City and making it population about 12,000.


Finn currently was walking on the street. From time to time he was looking here and there. As Finn walked through the market, Finn can see people from various parts of elemental nations. There was land of fire people, land of wind, land of rice, land of medicine, land of snow, land of waves and many more. All the people from different places had bought the speciality of their home and sell it in this market.


"Ma'am I am a man of my words. I like your boobs. Would you like to go out with me." Finn stopped walking and turned to his right. 'Am I hallucinating or what?' Finn even rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing wrong guy.

Jiraiya was kneeling in front of a woman who was about 30 years old. Hearing the word boob, Finn unconsciously looked at the woman chest and was surprised by the woman's two Mount Everest.

'Damn. Even though her face looks so innocent but her body is damn.' Finn curiously watched the scene between Jiraiya and the woman. The woman looked very embarrassed by Jiraiya's loud shameless words about her boobs. Like Finn, many others people was looking the scene and every male unconsciously looked at woman chest whenever they looked at the woman.

Woman was embarrassed by many people's gazes on her. "You pervert old asshole." The woman slapped the kneeling Jiraiya in front of her. The woman then run away in shame and her face was red.

Finn can see that several man was following the woman with lust in their eyes. 'No matter where I go, there is always some people who can't control themselves.'


"Black Tiger, go and protect this woman if someone tries to rape her." Finn's clones could also communicate with his shadows and summon the shadows to the clones location using teleportation and Shadow transfer.

Finn then walked up to Jiraiya who looked like a frozen statue.

Finn put his hand on Jiraiya and both teleported outside of the town.

Finn then changed his appearance back to the original. Jiraiya looked at Finn and smiled. "Finn, I certainly didn't expect to meet you here. How are you doing?" Jiraiya asked. It has been almost been months since the last time Jiraiya met Finn.

"Lord Jiraiya, I am also traveling like you. Traveling is very fun because I can meet with various people from various places. Exploration is really fun." Jiraiya smiled with a nod of agreement.

"By the way, Lord Jiraiya do you know anything about Han?" Finn asked. Finn felt Jiraiya might know something since he was in land of Earth, he must have collected information about Hidden Rock village. Jiraiya narrowed his eyes and looked at Finn.

"Why are you looking for Han?" Finn naturally was not going to tell Jiraiya about his purpose of searching for Han.

"You know I have fire and water natures. I was hoping to learn boiling style from Han. But I doubt he would teach me. But my current priority is to find him without letting anyone from Hidden Rock know about it." Jiraiya didn't suspect Finn's words since he has heard from Hiruzen that Finn was training outside the village.

"If I remember correctly, Han is living in a small village at the north direction. The village name is Village of Wheat." Jiraiya didn't think much and told Finn about the location.

"Thank you Lord Jiraiya. By the way, I have read your novel and I really liked it." Finn was saying this to flatter Jiraiya.

Jiraiya scratched his cheek with his finger as he felt little embarrassed. "Really."

"Lord Jiraiya, I will be going then. Bye." Finn teleported because he didn't wanted Jiraiya to know that he was only a clone. That would make Jiraiya suspicious and make him try to find about the reason why Finn is so anxious to find Han.


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