Chapter 160 - Dragon Kiss

In hidden Waterfall village, everything was going as usual. It was just an average day for the people of this village. Until, they heard a loud scream.

The scream was full of pain. The scream described the agony, the pain and the torture that person was going through. It took no less than 5 minutes for all the people of the hidden waterfall to gather in front of the Village leader's house.

"That's happening."

"What happened here?"

The crowd didn't understand what was going on until they suddenly found themselves surrounded by an army of human shaped shadows.

"What is this?"

"Hey let us go."

"I am afraid. Someone save me."

Now the people felt afraid seeing the strange and mysterious shadows. They wanted to go back and never came here.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

There was more than 1000 people had gathered in front of their village leader house. The crowd heard the clapping sound coming from the house.

Everyone's hearts nearly stopped when they saw their village leader was being dragged by a handsome young man.

"What the hell?"

Finn dragged Shibuki by his hair out of the house. Finn threw Shibuki in front of the crowd. But for some reason no one came forward to save their leader.

Behind Finn, Fu slowly walked out of the house and confidently looked at the villagers who once mocked and insulted her.

The villagers definitely would have attacked Finn if there was no strange black shadows surrounding them. The villagers now kind of guessed that Fu must have called Finn and beat Shibuki. Inwardly everyone cursing Fu.

"I don't know what grudges everyone here has with Fu but know this, from now on whoever dares to disrespect her will die." Finn then grabbed Shibuki by his neck.

"Your leader has done something for which he will receive the cruelest death for me." Finn punched Shibuki's face with his right fist.


When Shibuki opened his mouth, Finn suddenly grabbed his tongue. Under horrified gazes of everyone, Shibuki's legs fiercely trembled, struggled and tried to break free when Finn pulled out Shibuki's tongue directly by using only raw strength.


Current Shibuki's conditions sent chills down everyone's spine. Even Fu was covering her mouth as she stared at Shibuki with a look of disbelief. She

Blood constantly came out of Shibuki's mouth as he rolled on ground in pain. Shibuki already had lost his right arm and now had lost his tongue as well.

"Itsuki?" Finn called his very first shadow who was also the commander of his shadow army.

A black flash suddenly appeared in front of Finn and kneeled.

"Continue to torture this man in every single way possible. Make sure every villagers watches this entire scene. If they dare to even close their eyes for more than 2 seconds then kill them." Finn wanted the people who had made Fu's life miserable to witness this nightmare.

For a normal people who have never killed anyone nor have seen any violence things, just watching this kind of thing is more than enough to make them regret and give them endless nightmares.

Finn then turned to Fu who was still looking at Shibuki. Fu noticed Finn approaching her.

Finn stretched his blood covered right hand and said. "Hold my hand, we will leave this damn place once and for all." Fu looked at the red blood that was covering his hands and several parts of his body. Finn also noticed this and was about to retract his hand but Fu grabbed his hand with a smile.

"You have covered yourself in blood just to protect me. Why would I hesitate to hold your hand when that very hands has protected me." Fu smiled like a young maiden in love. What Finn has done for her had deeply been imprinted in het heart. Now unconsciously Fu was trusting Finn more and letting him enter her heart which even she didn't realized.

The expression on Finn's face softened as he smiled at her. Finn then turned to look at the crowd who was looking at them. He could see many different emotions in their eyes. The biggest emotions their eyes held was the emotion called regret.

Because after witnessing such horrifying scene, non of them would remain same.

Finn already had informed everyone in his Mansion about Fu's arrival. Everyone happily agreed to let Fu came and stay at the mansion. The more people cames to the mansion the more lively things get around the mansion.

Finn and Fu directly teleported to the living room. Everyone was waiting for Finn to came with Fu. They waited to welcome Fu.

Everyone's smile stiffened when they saw blood on Finn. Kaguya worried stood up and approached him in choked tone. "What happened to you? Are you injured? Did someone injury you?" Kaguya knew that Finn had a habit of not telling anyone about his injuries. Before Kaguya never saw any injuries on Finn as his recovery speed was very fast but now that Finn lost his powers, his healing speed also had decreased.

Finn was still healing from the injuries he received during his fight with Frost Monarch. Last night, Kaguya had seen the wound on his right shoulder.

Finn chuckled and replied. "No, nothing major has happened. I just killed the worst type of man in the society. I will take a bath to clean myself. Kaguya please handle the rest." When it came to being a housewife, Kaguya was the best.

Even though Kaguya always maintained her cold expression, but the people close to her would able to tell that this was her nature. Kaguya was very kind, caring and ahe was perfect housewife material.

Finn teleported directly to his room while Kaguya and Fu looked at each other. To be honest, Fu had not expected something like this when Finn told about his home and island.

"Hello! My name is Kaguya Otsutsuki. I am one of Finn's girlfriend." Kaguya bowed her head slightly.

"The name is Fu Yamanaka.... former shinobi from Hidden Waterfall Village." Fu didn't bowed her head like Kaguya instead her bright smile made up for it.

Kaguya nodded as if learning something new about Fu. Kaguya then pointed at girls sitting oj the couch."They are Tsunade, Rin, Pakura, Konan and Ti..... Wait a minute where is Tio?" Kaguya looked around.

"I don't know. She was with us a moment ago."

"I think she must have went to bathroom." So this is how Kaguya introduced Fu to everyone in the Mansion.


In the bathroom, Tio had just finished taking a shower after her morning exercise.

"That felt nice." Tio had a towel wrapped around her body.

Suddenly the door of the bathroom was opened and Finn entered the bathroom. Both Tio and Finn looked at each other for few seconds on silence.

Tio couldn't stop looking at his abs and lean body. Finn's body wasn't over-packed with muscles rather his body was lean and muscular.

While Finn couldn't stop staring at Tio. The towel barely held her giant boobs. Her long slender sexy legs. The towel barely did anything to hide her ass. As her body was wet, Finn could see all the curves of her body.

'Why does Finn looks so sexy? I want to touch his abs and bite them. I want to feel his strong muscles.' After what happened last night, Tio changed the way she looked at Finn. Now she always thought Finn as a wild beast.

When she looked at his half naked body, she remembered all the loud moans from last night. All this thing made Tio very horney and she wanted to devour him of possibly.

'Is that?' Tio looked down and saw his hard brother struggling to break out and stand proudly.

Finn also noticed Tio looking at his little brother, for some reason instead of feeling embarrassed and ashamed, Finn was feeling excited.

'Now that I think about it, since Tio wears yukata all the times I never really saw how well developed and seductive her body was. But now looking at her body, she is really hot.'

Both of them was busy admiring each other's bodies. Both of them stared at each other for few minutes until Finn took the first step and then walked towards Tio like it is the most natural thing to do.

Finn stopped few inches from her. Both of them could feel each other's scent which further made them horney.


Finn wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled her. Tio could feel something very hot touching her stomach. Tio didn't needed to look down to know what thing was touching her.


Tio wrapped her arms around his neck and bought her face closer to his. Tio's breasts were pressing against his chest.

Finn also lowered his head and closed his eyes. Both of their lips slowly touched and felt the warm, soft and sweet sensation. Finally two dragons kissed.

Finn also slowly moved his hands down and grabbed her ass.



written by Azure_warrior

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