Chapter 162 - Blood Demon army vs Shadow army part 1

The sunburst city is surrounded by tall walls in pentagonal shape. The walls of the fortress were 20 meters tall and 7 meters in thickness. To this day no one enemy has ever succeeded in conquering this city.

Ever since the founding age of this city, The Gremory clan head has been protecting the city, making it one of the only few cities in the continent to not have been conquered by other forces.

Everything was going as usual. People were entering and exiting the city. There was four large entrances at four sides of the city.

No one had expected the arrival of a enemy. After all Sirzechs was considered one of the strongest people in the entire continent.

Zolgear and his army was 15 km away from the Sunburst city.

The guards saw the arrival of such huge army. Their face turned pale as they didn't expect the demon race to attack the Devil race especially when the relationship between two races were very good till few years ago.

"Quickly go and inform Lord Sirzechs about this matter. This is a rank S threat."

Scene change...

"I can't believe the arena is closed today." Rias, Mio and Sona and their peerage members had found that the arena will be closed for 3 days. They had no choice but to return home as it really hot outside.

When they were about to walk through the entrance, a few guards came running.

"Move out of the way."

The guards were stopped by other guards who were standing at the entrance.

"What happened?" Guard number 1 asked. Rias and others also decided to hear the reason.

"The demon faction has bought an army over 50,000 to our territory. This is a S rank threat. I must inform this news to Lord Sirzechs."

Rias, Sona, Mio, and others widened their eyes in shock. Mio instantly realized why the demon faction has came.

But Sona as if understanding the feelings of her bwst friend she put her hsnd on Mio's shoulder and gave her a assuring look.

"Lord Sirzechs is at the library." Everyone hurriedly went to the library.

"What the hell js happening here?" Everyone found the door, window even the walls of the library was covered in Ice. Rias felt something bad has happened she didn't hesitate to use her destruction bullet to break the ice and enter the library.

After entering the library, Rias, Mio, Sona all widened their eyes in shock when they saw a cold energy emitting from Grayfia.

Rias noticed her brother and Finn standing 20 meters away from Grayfia.

"Brother what has happened to Grayfia?" Rias asked in worried tone.

"Well I had found a ancient herb that had rich ice energy in it. Grayfia took the herb to increase her powers. She should be awakening up in 2 to 3 hours."

"Brother, we have bad news. The demon faction has bought 50,000 bloody army along with commander Zolgear." Both Finn and Sirzechs expression turned serious.

"Rias go and tell father to gather our soldiers. Meanwhile I will go and stop the Demon Faction. Also look after Grayfia and make sure no onw disturbs her."

"But brother gathering our armies would take from 30 minutes to 1 hour or maybe even more. You can't fight an army of 50,000 and a Satan rank commander." Sirzechs stopped and showed them a smile which was filled with confidence.

"I have Finn with me. Trust me you guys don't know his true powers." The clone of Finn nodded then he put his hand on Sirzechs shoulder and both teleported outside of Sunburst city.

Rias felt something was wrong with her brother. Normally in this type pf situation he would take command and deploy their troops but this time Sirzechs gave this responsibility to their father.

"Let go. We can't waste time. We shall also join the battle." Mio, Sona and Rias left the library while some of their weak peerage members stayed behind to look after Grayfia.

Scene change....

Zolgear and his army was charging towards the Sunburst city. But suddenly as if sensing something Zolgear looked up and saw a figure flying in the air.

Zolgear smiled as he had recognized this man. "Finn Anderson. I was thinking of returning the humiliation from last time." Last time Sirzechs only lived because Finn had saved him in the neck of time.

Finn 30 meters away from Zolgear and his army. "Zolgear, do you really want to wage war with the Devil Faction?" Finn didn't wanted to start another war. Because war only brings suffering and chaos.

"Finn you have lost lost your mighty powers because of the Blood curse while Sirzechs is in coma and he will die within 30 days. I don't know what you did to suppress the news but right now The Devil faction is at its weakest point."

Finn didn't lose his calm. Rather he used his Tenseigan and counted the number of enemies he had to face.

"If you want to negotiate then hand over Mio Naruse and we will stop this war. Otherwise the consequences of offending the Demon Faction is not something the Gremory clan can bear."

The coldness in Finn's eyes only increased further as he heard Zolgear's words."So you want Mio Naruse? Mio Naruse is under Gremory clan protection. We won't betray our ally. The Gremory won't betray his friends and that's the moral code of the Gremory clan. You want war then we shall give you one." Zolgear suddenly noticed that Finn's shadow had extended behind him.

Within that extended part of the shadow, Zolgear could see countless eyes of various colors.

"Get up my shadows. It's time to shed blood of our enemies." With Finn's command, all the shadows emerged from his shadow. The whole scene frightened Zolgear and the bloody army as they had never seen something like this before.

Within one minute, behind Finn, an army of 5,703 was kneeling to Finn.

In front of the shadow army there was a shadow which had large claws and human shaped body. The shadow carried a green sword which seems to emit green mist. This was Finn's commander Itsuki.


[Ding! Emergency mission. The demon Faction is invading your ally territory. Protect your allies and kill the foreign enemy.

_Time limit :- None

_Penalty:- The Gremory clan will fall down. In future Gremory clan will face extinct problem.

_Reward :- [250 SP] [100+ Speed]


[Master this mission will definitely make you rich and you will be very close to buying the other half blood of Azure dragon.] Finn smiled and focused on the enemy. For a long time Finn has been saving SP so that he can become a Heavenly Azure Dragon. Becoming a Dragon will make current Finn very strong. As for how much strong, even Finn is not sure about it.

Monarch's Domain!

Finn activated his shadow Monarch skill Monarch's Domain which increased his shadows powers by 50 percent. All the shadows felt the changes in their bodies. They now felt even more stronger than before.

"Finn today you're dead." Zolgear roared as swords began to appear above him. Each swords then began to multiple themselves in 2, then 4, then 8, the multiplication continued until the swords the number reached 10,000 in numbers.

Yet facing a Satan rank enemy, Finn showed no sign of fear.


Two sides army charged at each other. One side Finn had little less than 6,000 undead shadows and other side Zolgear had 50,000 bloody demon army.

Under Zolgear command all the 10,000 swords charged at Finn. Finn continued to make his way towards Zolgear.

Just when the swords were few inches from hitting his body, a invisible wave of energy repelled all the swords.

Almighty push!

Zolgear was confused but he decided to not to think much about it and attack Finn again using his swords.


Blue lightning started to wrap around Finn. The lightning cracking sound was heard as Finn increased his speed.

Lightning Chakra Mode!

'Lightning chakra mode can increase my speed by 3 times. So my current speed is about 1100, which is my former base speed.' Finn's speed had surprised Zolgear.

Zolgear surrounded himself with thousands of swords which acted as a defensive barrier. The remaining 9,000 swords wwre chasing after Finn.

'How did his speed suddenly increase so much?' Finn's current speed was close to Zolgear base speed.

What Zolgear didn't know was Finn had prepared a plan to take Zolgear down in a single strike.

Suddenly a long curved sword appeared in Finn's hand. After summoning the Zanpakuto, Finn channeled lightning in his sword which further increased the sharpness and power of his sword.

Finn did this all while running around Zolgear. Meanwhile Finn's shadow generals who were former generals of Ice Monarch were killing the Demon army like cabbage.



written by Azure_warrior

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