Chapter 168 - Before 4th great ninja war I

In the land of Iron, there was a round table with 5 chairs. Each chair represented one of the great nations in elemental continent. Sitting in the chair of Hokage, Minato looked at all the representatives of other village whom he or his village shinobi have faced in battlefield before.

Rasa sitting on right side of Minato, Onoki sitting opposite of Minato, killer bee sitting next to Onoki and the chair for hidden mist was empty.

But standing behind that the chair, there was a beautiful woman. She is the most beautiful woman in Hidden mist. She is known by the name Mei Terumi.

"Everyone, I have to disappoint you but our Mizukage won't able to join in the five kage summit. It's no secret that after the 3rd great ninja war the situation on mist village has been getting worse and now the village is in the middle of a civil war."

"It's okay Miss Terumi. You represent the hidden mist and most of its shinobi. The threat we are currently talking about involves the whole shinobi world. So please take your sit." Mei Terumi nodded and sat down.

Let's discuss how it all came to this.

It turned out that Madara had ordered Orochimaru to attack the other villages with a small number of reanimated shinobi.

Minato after learning about this, called for an five kage summit. Surprisingly all the Kages from great nations agreed and came to the meeting.

"Now that everyone is here let's start the Five kage summit. Lord Hokage please tell us about you know about the Akatsuki." The land of Iron Kage was acting as the host of his meeting.

"I am sure everyone you already must have known and heard about a group of rogue ninja called Akatsuki. We have found that the Akatsuki originated from hidden rain village during the 3rd great ninja war."

Minato took a quick look at the faces of all kages and then continued."A while back we are suddenly attacked by the Akatsuki. At first we assumed the Akatsuki was nothing but group of S rank rogue ninjas. But we were wrong. The Akatsuki had power to take down even a mid scale village. And now that the Akatsuki somehow had managed to steal our lord 2nd Hokage creation and bring back all the dead shinobi back to life, the Akatsuki had become a SSS rank threat."

"Even I am not confident whether the hidden leaf can take down the Akatsuki with our 8 Kage rank shinobi. So I am proposing an alliance. An alliance between the five great nations."

"Hell no." Killer Bee hadn't forgotten the fact that Finn killed his brother and the 3rd Raikage. Two of their village strongest shinobi was killed by Finn. If that wasn't enough Finn had killed almost 20,000 cloud Shinobi alone.

Minato had expected this answer from Killer bee. Minato also noticed the discomfort and reluctance in Onoki and Rasa's eyes.

Finn had almost beaten Onoki to death while Rasa lost his village greatest treasure to Finn. Rasa didn't tell anyone about it since it would be a extremely shameful for his village.

Mei Terumi looked interested. She was thinking of using this alliance to end the Civil war in her village and establish a friendly connections with Minato and future Hokage Finn Anderson.

Mei had met Finn and she liked him a lot. Her instinct told her that an alliance with hidden lead through Finn will greatly benefit her and the village.


"Look everyone, we all have bad blood with each other. My village shinobi had killed yours and yours have killed mine. If you guys want to held on it to the past and not look for a brighter future then you can leave. But I swear if you leave, then in future hidden leaf will never help your village in any way. Even when the Akatsuki brings thousands of undead shinobi and attacks your village, the leaf won't help at all."

Killer bee, Rasa and Onoki cooled down their heads and began to think. Onoki and Rasa were having hard tine accepting this alliance since their egos were getting in the way.

But Killer bee looked like he was giving some serious thoughts about it.

"My village will join the alliance." The 4th Raikage of Cloud village agreed after thinking a lot. Bee realized the benefits he could get from this alliance.

The cloud village was greatly weakened because of the 3rd great ninja war. Now Bee was even struggling to maintain their territory. Many small villages who shares borders with the cloud village was now trying to take a piece of their territory.

Joining alliance with hidden leaf will keep those nasty bugs away and hidden cloud then again grow back without fearing any other village.

"I also agree on behalf of mist village." Rejecting this offer would be a work of a fool. Mei clearly knew how to seize the opportunities and this offer could tremendously help her village.

Minato smiled seeing that 2 great nations had agreed with his offer. Now only 2 remained.

Rasa also couldn't find any disadvantages from this alliance so he also agreed.

"The mist agrees." Rasa also felt that he could use this alliance to help Finn to give back Shukaku. Finn won't able to disobey Minato's words.

Only Onoki still looked conflicted. He was having hard time. "Who will be the Supreme commander of this alliance?" Onoki asked in curiosity.

"At first I asked Finn to become the Supreme commander but he rejected saying that he had no experience in leading an army. So try Supreme Commander will be Lord 3rd Hokage."

Onoki was not surprised. Even though Onoki and Hiruzen both were from the same generation. Hiruzen was lot more talented than Onoki was. Hiruzen in his prime was compared to the god of shinobi and he is called the professor.

"Alright I also agree."

Minato then looked at the host, Lord of land of Iron.

"What about you?"

"My land of iron will assist the five village in any way possible." Minato nodded in satisfaction. Fortunately Onoki didn't show hos stubbornness here otherwise things could have gone out of hand.

"It seems all the of you have reached an agreement." Minato and everyone looked at the white figure that just emerged from the wooden table.

It's body looked like it was a combination of plant and human. All the kages became cautious except for Minato who had confident in his teleportation skill.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am white Zetsu. Lord Madara has sent me with a message.

Day after tomorrow at the border of land of Iron and rain village, rhe Akatsuki will be waiting." The white Zetsu then went back into the ground and disappeared.

Minato and other kages looked at each other with an complicated look.

"We will need a plan. It is impossible to move our army at the given location at such short time." Onoki said. Onoki's greatest fear Madara Uchiha had somehow returned. Although Onoki is not sure how Madara has been reanimated, he knew the chaos Madara could bring.

"Lord 4th I think in this emergency situation, your and Finn's teleportation skill is going to be extremely helpful." Mei Terumi added.

Other Kages looked at Minato. While Minato have a bitter smile and replied.

"I don't have monstrous amount of Chakra. At most I can teleport 100 to 150 people before running out of Chakra. But Finn can do the work with his monstrous amount of chakra reserve."

"Then it's settled. Lord 4th please teleport us to our village borders so that we can save time." Minato nodded at Rasa.

After that Minato teleported the respective Kages to their village borders. Then Minato also returned to the village.

After teleportating at the Hokage office where Hiruzen and all the clan heads were waiting for him, Minato described the events that took place in the five Kage summit.

"You did a wonderful job Minato. Now I order all the clan heads to dispatch their shinobi. Every retired Shinobi is also needed to participate in this war." Hiruzen looked at everyone's faces and continued.

"This is not a war. This is about our survival. This is about our future."

After that all the clans head left leaving only Minato and Hiruzen behind.

"Now that everyone has left, Finn why don't you introduce us to your girlfriends?" Hiruzen and Minato saw Finn entering the Hokage office with many Heavenly beauties following him.


Seeing the number of beauties Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh!

Sometimes life was too unfair!



written by Azure_warrior

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