Chapter 171- Before the 4th great war IV

"So here is the plan. I have divided 70,000 shinobi in seven groups. Each group will have 10,000 shinobi. The medical and sensory ninjas as been equally distributed in each group. Now I will announce the leader of each group." Hiruzen, Onoki, Minato, Killer Bee, Mei Terumi, Finn, Sakumo, Rasa all were in the meeting room.

With the help of Sakumo and Onoki, Hiruzen has prepared this plan.

"Group 1 team leader will be Finn.

Group 2 leader will be Sakumo.

Group 3 team leader will be Rasa.

Group 4 team leader will be Minato.

Group 5 team leader will be Mei Terumi. Group 6 team leader will be Killer Bee.

Group 7 will be lead by old man Onoki."

Hiruzen as the grand commander, he will be sitting making plans and assisting all the 7 groups. Hiruzen is going to act as the brain of the allied shinobi force.

Hiruzen have assigned each group with multiple Kage rank shinobi.

"Everyone if any of you face any tough enemy and need urgent backup then use the teleportation kunai." Finn added.

"Everyone pay attention to what I am about to say." Hiruzen took out a big map of the place where the battle is going to take place.

"Finn your group will attack from the center and meet the enemy head on. Since your group is the strongest and group.... Lord 3rd" Finn had no choice but to interrupt Hiruzen. Everyone looked at Finn and waited for what he has to say.

"I think it would be better if you don't assign any shinobi to my group." Hearing Finn's words Hiruzen and others frowned. They didn't understand why Finn said that.

"I can see that you all are doubting me. why don't you come with me I will show you what I mean." Finn began to walk out of the meeting room. Hiruzen and others followed Finn with confused look.

Outside the meeting room, there was an army of 70,000 shinobi standing and waiting for command.

"Everyone can you all please move aside and make some space." Hearing Finn's loud voice, no one questioned Finn anything and made a large free space.

"What Finn is trying to do?" Hiruzen wondered.

"Don't be too shocked by what you all are about to see. Come out." Suddenly Finn's shadow extended itself and covered the free space.

Everyone was left shocked when they noticed countless pairs of eyes appear from the shadow. "What kind of Jutsu is that?" Hiruzen for the first time felt shame of having the nickname Professor. Hiruzen thought he knew about every possible jutsu in existence but today Finn have proved him wrong.

Under the shocked gazes of more than seventy thousand shinobi, the shadow army emerged from Finn's shadow.

After appearing, all the shadows kneeled in front of Finn and lowered their heads. As if telling the whole world who they serve.

"Gentlemen let me reintroduce myself." Finn amplified his voice with Chakra. Everyone were able to hear his voice very clearly.

"I am Shadow Monarch, ruler of Death. I am the king of death. Met my immortal undead army of death; the Shadow warriors." Finn spread his arms and declared himself as the Shadow Monarch to the elemental world.

Kurenai, Kaguya, Tsunade, Rin, Pakura, Konan, Mei, Tio, Kushina almost felt their jaw drop on the ground. Even though Finn have told them about his powers. He have never showed his shadows to his girlfriends. Only Fu and Grayfia have seen his army. Echidna and Nagahide have seen Finn's first two shadows. Both girls didn't expect Finn to grow his army size this quickly.

Kurenai, Kushia were most shocked as both girls have never heard of anything related to shadows from Finn.

Every person watching this was shocked.

"With this number he can easily destroy and take over any great village." Onoki floated in the air and tried to count the exact number of shadows Finn have. Onoki was thinking of demanding some form of compensation for the beating that Finn gave him last time. But after seeing this he immediately discarded that thought.

Rasa who was thinking of demanding Shukaku back from Finn in front of everyone, felt he should keep his mouth shut. The current Finn hsd the power to fight any village.

Finn ignored the shocked gazes that fell on him, he turned to Hiruzen who also looked shocked.

"Lord 3th, with this I can hold my own in the front line. I only need enough sealing papers for my shadows." Hiruzen nodded his head while looking at the shadows who were kneeling behind Finn.

"Finn I won't ask how you managed to get this kind of power or anything. It's your secret. But do you mind telling me about the capabilities of your shadows?" All the big leaders eyes were on Finn. They looked at him like they had seen the greatest treasure on earth.

"I have nine Kage rank shadows. Even the weakest of my shadow warrior has the power of a High ranking chunin."

Hiruzen felt with Finn's shadow warriors winning this war would be easily. The appearance of Shadow warrior could decrease the pressure and causality of each village.

"Change in plan. Finn you and your shadow warrior will face the enemy head on. The ten thousand shinobi will be divided in equal half thousand and added to group 2 and 7 which are lead by Onoki and Sakumo."

Hiruzen turned to Konoha's white fang and the old ghost Onoki.

"Sakumo I want you to attack from the south direction and Onoki you attack from the north direction." Hiruzen then looked at Minato, Killer bee, Rasa and Mei.

"Minato and Rasa I want both of your groups attack from the west direction together. While Killer bee and Mei, their groups will cover the east direction."

"You all will leave in 5 minutes. I will relay information from one group to another with the help of Yamanaka clan." Hiruzen then walked back to the meeting room.

After Hiruzen left, under the gazes of thousands of people all the girls approached Finn.

"Ho... How?" Rasa trembled when his eyes fell on Pakura who was walking towards him with a cold and murderous look.

"She never died. I had saved her." Rasa shivered when he saw the gentle smile on Finn's face. It was like the death god himself had smiled towards him.

As Pakura approached Rasa many sand shinobi recognized her. Rasa had declared Pakura dead so seeing Pakura alive and walking in front them, everyone from Sand village was stunned.

Pakura stood in front of Rasa and looked into his eyes. "I will settle things with you after this war. So you better not die in this war because I am coming after your head." Pakura currently didn't had the strength to kill Rasa and also the allied shinobi forces needed Rasa so she let him live for now.

Pakura then walked up to Finn."Wow, Finn you completely shocked me. How the hell did you even get those shadow warriors?" Kurenai looked at Finn with stars in her eyes. She was looking at Finn like she was seeing her idol.

Kurenai didn't realize that her question had attracted the attention of other group leaders.

"I will tell later."

Finn was not going to reveal his secret. He chose to not answer her question.

Kurenai pouted her cheeks which actually made her look more cute.

"Wow I didn't expect your shadow's number to grow this fast? Last night we checked you only had 2 shadows. Just within 3 weeks you managed to increase your shadows number more than 50,000." Yesterday Echidna and Nagahide had met all the girls and Kaguya had explained where they were. Kaguya told them to not open their mouth and tell anyone about their home world.

"What can I say, I am OP protagonist after all." Echidna rolled her eyes and didn't speak with Finn anymore.

Finn noticed that Minato was talking with Jiraiya. Probably Jiraiya was assigned in Minatos' team since both of them are master and student. Yesterday Hiruzen had called Jiraiya back to the village.

There was also Fugaku and his Uchiha clan in Sakumo-sensei group.

"My fellow Shinobi." Finn heard Hiruzen voice. He and everyone turned their heads up and saw Hiruzen standing at the top of the tower which was about 25 meters tall.

[I know many of you are dissatisfied and not willing to work with another village shinobi. It's no secret that each village have hatred for the other villages. But in this war I want you all to put behind your differences, enmity and work together like comrades.]

The whole army of shinobi turned quiet hearing Hiruzen's words.

[Our foolishness and greed has caused 3 great wars. We have lost our loved ones. Though I can't erase the scars and pain of your hearts, I can promise you all that after this war there will never be another shinobi war. This war will be the last one. This war is about our freedom. This war have created the alliance between five great nations which have never happened before. Together we will show the Akatsuki that united we are stronger than anything. Now go, my dear fellow shinobi.]