Chapter 175 - Finn vs Madara [II]

Finn appeared behind Madara at Mach 2 speed. Finn never thought he would able to go this fast with his sealed speed.

Finn raised his Zanpakuto to slash Madara's Susanoo from behind.


The swing managed to break Susanoo's backbone and make Madara crush on the ground.

Madara took no less than a second to get up from the ground.

After standing up, Madara gently slapped his shoulders to wipe the dust of his armor.

"Not bad."

Finn was not going to give Madara a chance to talk. Finn again reappeared behind Madara and tried to put the sealing tag on his body.

But in that milliseconds of time, Madara rotated his body around and managed to land a punch on Finn's face.


Finn was sent flying more than 50 meters away; causing him to crush on huge boulder. The boulder itself cracked and broke into many small pieces from the impact.

Ah! Cough!

Finn was forced to cough out a large amount of blood. Finn would have turned into a meat paste if he wasn't using lightning Chakra mode and sage art. Both of this moves increased his durability, endurance and defense.

"How... did.... Cough!.... Madara move that fast?" Finn ignored the pain on his entire body; especially on his jaw which now had cracked. Finn opened his eyes and looked at Madara who was looking at him with his hands folded on his chest.

Finn noticed that Madara already had reached that stage and activated the Rinnegan. "No wonder."

[The Rinnegan itself have given Madara huge boost in his attributes. There is not doubt that the Rinnegan is a game changing weapon, comparably to Master's Tenseigan chakra mode. Madara is a reanimated shinobi thus he has almost endless chakra. Meaning Madara in this state could use the Rinnegan as long as he wants without worrying about Chakra consumption.]

Finn couldn't help but smile bitterly. Finn took few seconds to stand up with his Zanpakuto.

"It's time to end you."

Madara put his hands together to launch another attack but then..

Particle style:- Atomic dismantling Jutsu!

Onoki flew above Finn with a smallish cube of white energy from which he launched it in a straight line towards Madara.

"You old insect. I see thar your are still alive." Madara put his left hand forward and began to absorb Onoki's particle style attack.

"What's happening?" Onoki panicked seeing that his Jutsu wasn't working instead was being absorbed by Madara.

"Old man..... Cough!... you're just proving him with more Chakra." Onoki looked at Finn and saw his bitter and helpless smile.

"The Rinnegan allows the user to absorb Chakra. Meaning energy based attaks are useless against him." Finn controlled his shadows warrior through his mind and sent 8 of his strongest shadows to surround Madara.

Just when the shadows were few meters away from Madara, Finn smiled froze when he saw Madara actually grabbing and pulling his shadows of the darkness.

"How is that possible?" Finn was in complete disbelief.

"Finn, I don't how you have acquired this little pets but they are useless against me." Madara said as he threw all shadows while breaking their bodies in the process.

[Master I think the Rinnegan allows the user to see your shadows.]

"Finn prepare for the grand gift that I am going to gove you now." Madara again activated his three headed Susanoo. He then put his fingers together which formed a hand sign.

Finn immediately knew which hand sign was that. At that moment just imagining what Madara is about to do made Finn's face pale.

" Everyone get out of this area if you want live." Finn's loud voice was heard all over the area.

Finn without caring whether the shinobi listened to his words or not, flew up in the air.

"This is my last and final card." Finn closed his eyes for a moment and focused on realizing the energy in his Tenseigan.

Tenseigan Chakra mode!

Far away Tsunade, Echidna, Rin, Nagahide, Konan, Kushina, Kurenai, Pakura, Fu, Tio, Grayfia all saw the change happening in Finn.

A cyan-coloured chakra shroud with six magatama markings on his collar, dark markings over his eyebrows and lower eyelids. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and his clothing and hair continuously billow upwards as if caught in a strong breeze.

Nine truth seeking orbs appeared behind Finn. The current Finn didn't needed any wings to fly. He was able to fly naturally in his Tenseigan chakra mode.

Madara had noticed the eyes of Finn from the beginning of the battle.

"His eyes! Why do I feel that his eyes have the same powers as the Rinnegan?" Madara smiled when he noticed his creation was about to came in front of everyone.

Finn as if sensing something looked up. Finn saw the black clouds were pushed away by a huge object.

No one needed to wait more than a second to know what this object was.

Because the next second the full of view of the meteor was displayed above everyone. The meteor was about 50 meters in size. The appearance of this meteor put fear in everyone's heart.

"This is the power of God"

"It's over for us."

"Everyone ran. Ran for your life." Onoki shouted loudly as he flew up to stop the meteor by himself.

"I have to help Finn." Grayfia, Echidna, Tio the trio disappeared and reappeared beneath the meteor.

The trio prepared their strongest attacks but Finn was faster than everyone. Finn focused one tenth of his Chakra in one of his truth seeking orb. He then grasped it in his hand to create a giant golden sword of pure chakra. Under the stunned, shocked, surprised gazes of more than seventy thousand people the golden sword destroyed the meteor in millions of very small pieces.


"Finn, you keep surprising me. But how about this." Just when Finn and everyone was about to celebrate and relax, their faces turned ugly, pale as the entire sky was covered in 15 meters size meteors.

"Let's see how you deal with my rain of meteors."

There was more than hundreds of meteors falling down the sky. This many meteors had enough strength to destroy half of elemental nations.

Finn flew up in the air as he made another golden sword at the sacrifice of one tenth of his chakra.

The twin golden sowrds suddenly elongated in size to hundreds of meters. Both sowrds moved faster than the speed of light and destroyed all the meteors.

"Finn good job." Onoki sighed in relief. Everyone except for Madara sighed in relief. Madara was displeased the fact that his attack was countered by Finn once again.

"The real problem is Finn himself." Madara again put his hands together.

Wood style:- Deep Forest Emerge!

"The jutsu works by the user properly mixing together Water and Earth Style chakra natures, allowing them to grow powerful trees to attack enemies at will. How the hell Madara is able to use Lord First famous wood style?" Onoki heard a voice. He turned to see that Hiruzen had appeared in the battlefield.

More than 5 meters thick roots emerged from the ground and began to advance towards Tio, Grayfia and Echidna.

"Don't let the roots touch you. The roots has a gas that can make anyone fall asleep. Also these roots can drain the Chakra of the user." Echidna, Grayfia and Tio prepared their attacks after hearing Hiruzen's words. Onoki and Hiruzen also stepped forward to stop the roots from advancing.

Fin saw this and felt he needed to help them. But

"Finn it's time to deal with you. You have been spoiling my plans for a long time. I am sorry but in order to become this world's savior I have to kill you." Finn widened his eyes when he saw a shadow madara was approaching him from the right side.

For a moment Finn was thinking of dodging and creating a distance between the shadow Madara but Finn was forced to change his plan as he found 3 other Madara from 3 other directions approaching him.


written by Azure_warrior

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