Chapter 178 - Dealing with problems

Just when Ashborn touched Finn, a black heart took the place of the missing heart. Finn suddenly felt a warm sensation throughout his body. Finn felt something inside his body had been releasing.

Finn felt endless powers. Each of his cells were filled with Chakra. If Finn were to compare his current state with his previous self, then Finn would call his previous self a dry river.


Finn took a deep breath as a opened his eyes which now glowed in red and purple colors. Finn felt his body had returned to his former self; before the blood seal was placed inside his body.

Finn understood that Ashborn had helped him break the blood seal. Finn then felt his strength and Chakra continuously increasing each second.

Finn looked at Ashborn who now looked weak. "Finn, I hand you everything I have. If you're wondering how I broke the seal, then I didn't do it. Ruler of death, shadow Monarchs is not affect by soul curse. The seal broke when I gave you the black heart." Finn looked at Ashborn in surprise.

"I always have watched you. Now I think I can put my sword down and close my eyes for eternal rest. Thank you Finn."

Ashborn's body slowly vanished. When his face was about to disappear, Ashborn smiled at Finn and then closed his eyes.

Scene change....


Hiruzen was sent flying crushing on a stone bed which broke into pieces just from the impact.


Hiruzen coughed mouth full of blood. Hiruzen then looked at Minato, Onoki, Rasa, Kurenai, Grayfia, Tsunade, Tio, Rin, Fu, Mei, Konan, Pakura, Kushina, Echidna, Nagahide and Sakumo. All the Kage rank shinobi was fighting and defending Finn.

In the process, the guy named Momoshiki managed to hurt Hiruzen, Pakura, Fu and some other girlfriends of Finn.

Momoshiki's speed is simply too fast. But Grayfia and Echidna managed to keep up with him as keep defending Finn.

"I hope Finn wakes up fast otherwise I don't think we can hold on for much longer."

The clear night sky suddenly started to darken as strong winds started to blow.

Everyone didn't notice the change until the whole sky had turned dark. Strong winds were blowing everywhere.


Everyone stopped fighting for a second when they sensed the humongous amount of Chakra in the atmosphere.

"This huge Chakra. What is going on?" The nien tails inside Kushina also felt it. All the tails beast, sensory ninjas, normal shinobi and even normal people, in short every living creature in elemental continent was able to sense the thick Chakra in the air.

Momoshiki and Kinshiki's faces turned pale as they stopped fighting and began to shiver in fear.

"He.... He.... is waking up." Momoshiki expression told that he had seen the king of hell. His body won't stop trembling as he felt his death was coming near him.

Everyone turned their heads towards a certain figure lying on the ground.

"What is happening?" A strong dark purple Chakra began to emit from Finn.

[Ding! New mission has been released. Host has been cursed with an SSS rank curse. Find a way to lift the curse.

-Mission status:- completed

-Reward:-??? ]

[ Congratulations to the host for getting [50 SP], Congratulations to the host for getting one of Rinnegan's unique ability:- Amenotejikara]

[Ding! Host power has been restored]

[Ding! Host power Chakra has increased]

[Ding! Host strength has increased]

[Ding! Host stamina has increased]

[Ding! Host speed has increased]

[Ding! Host shadows powers have been restored.]

[Ding! Host have received the army of Ashborn [1,000,000]

[Ding! Host have obtained the black Heart]

[Ding! Host has gained a title [Shadow Monarch]

[Congratulations to master for becoming Shadow Monarch]

Suddenly Finn opened his eyes. When Finn opened his eyes, the people who were close to him felt their entire body was being crushed just because of the pure chakra emitted from Finn.

Finn stood up and then looked around. Under the shocked fazes of thousands of people, the missing Heart of Finn was replaced with an black Heart.

The Aura of Finn continued to rise as his Chakra and other stats kept on increasing.

Finn slowly regained his consciousness. Finn didn't even needed to look around to know what was going on. Finn could feel the entire elemental nations.

Finn saw that his loved ones crying, injured and in pain. This made the Shadow Monarch angrier.

Finn looked at Momoshiki and Kinshiki. Both Otsutsuki clan members were trembling in front of Finn.

"If you dare to do anything....."

Momoshiki couldn't even finish his words as the next moment his head was cut from his body. The same thing happened to Kinshiki.


Everyone looked at Finn in shock. The Finn that fought with Madara is something but the current Finn was immeasurable to them.

Finn didn't say anything. Finn slowly controlled his chakra and didn't let his Chakra ran out of his body.

Finn then slowly walked towards the fallen bodies of Momoshiki and Kinshiki. After walking in from of the bodies of two dead Otsutsuki, Finn crouched down and extended his right hand over their corpses.


Everyone heard that one word. The very same word that everyone would unable to forget even at their death.

The next scene sent chills down everyone's spine. Two black shadows who looked exactly same as Momoshiki and Kinshiki rose from corpses and then kneeled in front of Finn.

At that moment everyone realized, Finn's shadow warriors were basically the people he had killed. Just realized how many people Finn had killed to have a army of this big again madw everyone shiver in fright.

After that Finn destroyed both bodies as he didn't want their DNA to fall in the hands of another lunatic like Orochimaru.

Finn then turned to Hiruzen and declared in soft tone. "The war is over. From now on their will be no Akatsuki in elemental continent. Everyone prepare to return back." Even though the war is over, no one celebrated as the shock they received as too big.

Afrer seeing what Finn could do, neither Onoki nor Rasa had any plans of going after him. Both of them valued their lives even more.

Both of them didn't wanted to provoke a monster who had defeated Madara and then killed two individuals who were able to fight with multiple Peak Kage rank shinobi without wasting even a second.

Finn then turned to Tsunade and others who looked like couldn't wait to hug him and cry in his arms.

"Everyone please wait for me. I have some small works left which will completely end this war." Tsunade and others obediently nodded their heads.

Finn then closed his eyes and spread his Chakra throughout the elemental nations to find three figures.

Scene change....

Black Zetsu had no idea what was happening in the battlefield. Currently he was in his hiding spot.

He was frustrated and was trying to come up with a new way of rebuilding his plans.

"I swear I will get my revenge on Finn one day. Just you wait."

"OH! How are you going to do that?" Black Zetsu jumped out in fright when he heard the familiar voice.

Black Zetsu turned around and saw Finn coldly looking at him.

"Finn. How...are you still alive?" Black Zetsu has no choice what the hell was happening. Finn who was supposed to be dead now was standing in front of him. Finn looked more stronger than before.

"It's nothing. I just came to destroy you." Finn suddenly teleported behind Black Zetsu by using his new skill.


Finn can shift himself between spaces, causing anything currently occupying the space he targets to swap places with him. This skill is similar to Cao's teleportation. With his skill, Finn now can surprise his enemies.

Finn caught Black Zetsu in his hand and then took away his life. Finn doesn't want to leave this guy alone. This guy was responsible for all major conflicts involving Senju and Uchiha clan.

After dealing with Black Zetsu, Finn then turned to the statue in front of him.

"Now what should I do with you." Finn said while looking at the ten tails humanoid statue that Madara summoned from the Moon.

[Finn Anderson

→Strength:- 520→1,080

→Speed:- 1,300→2,600

→Charm:- 100

→Stamina:- 1,100→3,000

→Chakra:- 27,740→160,740

→Bloodline:- Azure Dragon bloodline (Half dragon), Superior Vampire Bloodline

→Skills: Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution, Shadow Clone, Flying thunder god, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tenshou), Eight inner gates(unlocked till The gate of limit) Monarch's Domain, Shadow Exchange, Shadow Extraction, Shadow Preservation, Amenotejikara

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan, Sage body (Divine), Azure dragon wings (Divine), Bloodlust, Ruler's Authority, Immunity, Detoxification, Tenacity, Longevity

→Nature:- lightning, Fire, water, darkness

→SP points: - 475→575

→Attribute points: - 0

→Shadows Number: - 55,703→1,055,703]


written by Azure_warrior

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