Chapter 188 - The Monarch War begins [II]

From the 6 big portals, armies composed of various races kept coming out. As if Dragon wasn't enough, now there was Demons, elves, human size insects, beasts. The number of armies that all the Monarchs had was above 6 million.

"Other than the dragons, other Monarch armies are not that strong. Except for Antares, I have confident to taken on any other Monarch." The current Kaguya was nothing like the quiet Kaguya back at home.

Kaguya looked like someone who had experienced countless wars. Which is true, since she retains thousands years of fighting experience because of the her Otsutsuki bloodline. Kaguya face was cold as ice. There wasn't any emotions in her face. She was holding a sword which she had taken out from her Ice palace.

After 5 minutes, all the Monarchs also arrived and stood behind Antares, as if telling Finn that all they are underlings of Antares.

"Since when did the mighty existence of the universe become lap dog of Antares?" Calling the Monarchs who are mightiest and most powerful existence in the whole universe a lap dog was a indirect slap to their faces. All the Monarchs except for Antares had their faces turned red in anger. They couldn't wait to kill Finn.

Meanwhile, Antares kept his eyes on the Kaguya. Judging from the long white hair and whose eyes of hers, Antares was sure that Kaguya was a member of Otsutsuki clan. Antares didn't understand why a Otsutsuki clan member would fight alongside their greatest enemy, the Shadow Monarch.

"Did the Otsutsuki clan betray us? or why would they sent their clan member to fight alongside their greatest enemy." Even though Antares voice was not that loud, everyone clearly heard his words. Everyone even the Monarchs set their eyes on Kaguya for a moment.

After Shadow Monarch went into seclusion, the Otsutsuki clan has made a treaty to not interfere with the Monarchs. Antares also agreed to spare the Otsutsuki clan and let them regrow themselves.

By the end of the universal war, the Otsutsuki clan members were greatly weakened as many others factions had started to hunt their clan members. The Otsutsuki clan had no choice but to go into hiding. The Otsutsuki clan began to search for planets which were not inhabited by strong races and devour them, This entire process is very long and would take at least another 400 to 600 years for them to regrow their powers.

"I have no connections with the Otsutsuki. It's true that I have Otsutsuki bloodline in my body but I was never original Otsutsuki. I only managed to obtain their bloodline and DNA through luck." Antares closed his eyes and sighed. The Otsutsuki clan powers were too broken. Anyone can easily obtain their DNA. Just like the current Shadow Monarch, who has a Otsutsuki clan product in his eyes, the Tenseigan.

"Enough talking. I can't wait anymore. I have been dreaming of this moment for countless years. Today I shall kill you." Iron Body Monarch angrily glared at Finn.

The Iron Body Monarch was a handsome young man with blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a long white coat with a glowing blood-red collar, black pants and shoes, small earrings, and a simple gray undershirt. When using his powers or agitated, his eyes glowed lime green.

"It looks like he has some kind of personal grudges against you."

Finn took a deep breath and released cold air from his mouth. "Since you want to fight, I will fulfill your desire." Finn's shadow warriors appeared behind Finn and his girlfriends. Everyone shadow warrior kneeled in behind Finn and paid their respect to their eternal Monarch.

:"This...." Iron Body Monarch, also known as the King of Monstrous Humanoids broke into cold sweat as he stared at the army of shadow Monarch.

In such short time, the successor of Ashborn had managed to increase his shadow army's size to 2 million and close to 4 hundred thousand. Even the Querehsha who is The Monarch of Plagues, the Queen of Insects didn't had that many soldiers under her possession.

Not just the quantity, in terms of quality the shadow army didn't lose to Antares army. Everyone Monarch except for Antares began to feel fear. Even though the appearance has changed but the Aura was still there. Finn was emitting an Aura which was even more frightening than the former Shadow Monarch.

Everyone Monarch imagined that the new successor of Ashborn would be a beginner. They thought they could easily defeat the new Shadow Monarch before he grew and adapted Ashborn's powers.

"Antares, earlier you gave me a surprise. Allow me to return that surprise gift to you." Finn stopped suppressing his Heavenly Azure dragon bloodline. Suddenly the aura around Finn changed. The Aura around Finn was so strong that even some weak soldiers whose powers were at 3th tier had their bodies exploded like water balloons.

"How?" The calm and arrogant look on Antares face changed for the first time. Shock, disbelief was written all over Antares face.

Antares had the strongest and most superior dragon bloodline in the entire universe. The reason why Antares is so strong is because of his bloodline. His superior bloodline allowed Antares to have the title of strongest Monarch. But now Antares was seeing another being, not just any being, that being was also the Shadow Monarch, with a bloodline which was even more superior than his.

"Heavenly Azure dragon bloodline." Antares trembled as he said those words. Antares assumed that the strongest Dragon bloodline who had the power to even kill the Bible God had gone extinct ten thousand years ago. Antares even had searched the entire Universe during the Universal war to find any descendent of Heavenly Azure Dragon bloodline.

In fact to this day, every dragon worshipped and viewed Heavenly Dragon as their dragon god.

The most surprised, shocked and happy was Tio. Just from feeling the Aura coming from Finn, Tio felt her body get hot. By instinct she began to have the desire to have Finn's child. If she wasn't in the battlefield, then she would have jumped on Finn and mated with him,

All the dragons who were listening to Antares before and willing to give up their life on Antares command was now looking at Finn as if looking at their God.

Heavenly Azure Dragon Roar!

A loud roar came out from Finn's mouth. The roar was so strong that all the being whose power had just reached 4th tier had fainted and fell on the ground. Without saying anything, by instinct all the dragons even the commanders of Antares descended from the sky and kneeled in front of Finn.

Seeing his own army kneeling in front of him, Antares for the first time in his whole life felt extremely humiliated.

If Antares was a 9th tier being then he too would have submitted himself to Finn. But because Antares managed to grow his strength to 10 tier, he managed to resist his urges. Dragons are said to grow stronger with their ages. Antares had managed to reach this far only because of age. While Finn was still like a baby when compared to how long Dragons could live.

"Shadow Monarch, I will kill you." Antares have never felt this angry in his whole life. His mightiest army was taken away from his own eyes, in front of everyone. This was a directly slap to his face. A Monarch without his army was no longer a Monarch.

"Today no matter what happens only one us will live to end this battle." The other Monarchs looked at each other with a helpless look. The idea of killing shadow Monarch completely disappeared from their minds when Finn revealed his strength. But the Monaches didn't had any courage refuse Antares especially when this was the first time they had seen Antares lose his calm.


The armies of both sides charged. Kaguya locked her target on Iron Body Monarch: The King of Monstrous Humanoids. Echidna went for Yogumunt: The Monarch of Transfiguration, the King of Demonic Spectres.

Yogumunt was an old man with gray hair, light red eyes, and a blood-red blob symbol on his torso. He wore a tattered blackish-purple hooded cloak, a pale yellow bone-like mask over his mouth, and two metallic horn-like objects extending from his upper back. Also, when using his powers or agitated, his eyes glowed pinkish-purple.

Grayfia went for Beast Monarch: The King of Beasts. The Beast Monarch was a huge, muscular man with tan skin, glowing yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and wild black hair. When using his powers, his eyes glowed bright red. He also wore silver fur pelts, a ragged skirt with a thick silver fur waistline, and gold-trimmed white armor on his right shoulder and over his groin area.