Loyal or not

Aveline hastily put her hand on her mouth in shock at her own words.

'Ahhh.... stupid, stupid, stupid! How could I yell at him?! I'm crazy or what?! I'm dead for sure now!'

"Alright. I won't. Don't be mad." Jack spoke with an apologetic face.

"I-it's ok. It's just... my brother used to do that. So I don't like it." Ave looked away while lying. She bit her lips nervously in fear he would catch her lie.

"Don't bite your lips." Jack frowned as he put his thumb on her soft skin.

"Ah..." Aveline looked at him as she stopped biting herself. Her face slowly started to flush and heat up as his thumb rubbed against her lips.

"J-Jack. Stop." She pulled away his hand looking straight into his eyes.

"But you keep biting yourself." The male frowned as he got closer to her face.

Both of their hearts were beating intensely. Their stares were locked on each other for a few minutes. The surrounding of the room felt invisible as if nothing else existed in the world other than them.

Jack looked at his childhood friend he yearned for several years. She had now become his wife after such a long time. He couldn't stop himself from falling in love with her over again. He started loving her more than before lately. Somehow the little girl he met 12 years ago changed into an admirable young woman he never thought she might be.

His gaze fell on her red lips. He slowly approached her face to steal a kiss.

Aveline felt like she was falling for the man present in front of her sight. She was captivated by his long eyelashes, his honey-like eyes, his pale skin...

Suddenly, she felt a tickling sensation on her soft skin. Her eyes widen as she wasn't expecting the kiss. She was going to close her eyes and return his kiss when someone knocked on the door.

The young couple pulled away from each other quickly.

"Come in." Jack coughed trying to clear his throat.

A young woman walked inside the room. Her gaze was filled with confidence and arrogance. She was wearing a dress with a large cut at the side, revealing her straight long legs as she walked. Her grey-ish hair was braided on both sides and tied down on each side. Her yellow eyes gave off a lightning aura as if she was about to go on a fight.

"Why are you here?" Jack sighed as if he didn't want that woman to come inside the room. "Get out."

Aveline felt emotionless. She was about to kiss a man she doesn't even know. To make it worse, he seemed to have another woman?

'Ah. I'm a fool,' she thought.

"But your Majesty, it's urgent." The woman sneered at the queen sitting on the bed. It's as if she wanted to tell her that she can steal the king from her anytime.

"Jack, you can go," Ave spoke as her heartbeat increased. She was upset, it could be told just by a glance at her.

'She's probably misunderstanding.' Jack thought as he was about to speak, he felt an arm wrapping around his.

The man glanced at the grey-haired woman as he glared at her angrily.

"Let's go, your majesty. The queen doesn't mind," she said with a smirk on her face as she dragged the man off the bed and took him away from the bedroom.

'What the heck?! He's actually going with her?!' Ave thought in disbelief. She thought maybe he would try to explain her. Or even not go at all. But he really went with a woman late at night!


"Y-your majesty?" A maid asked Ave with a trembling tone.

Ave had dark circles under her eyes. She hadn't slept for the whole night. She waited for her so-called husband to come back, but he didn't.

"He dares..." she mumbled in anger as an overwhelming aura surrounded her.

"I-I'm sure he got stuck with work." One of the maids present tried to console her.

"Hah! Business. Like what? F*cking that woman?!" She yelled at them.

The poor maids trembled in fear.

'Am I going to lose my life today?!' They all wondered. 'Your majesty, please come back! The queen is... scary when she is mad!'

Just then, the door opened. Jack entered the room calmly. As if nothing happened. He gave the maids a sign with his hands for them to leave.

The maids obediently bowed to him and exited the bedroom.

"Avi." He said with a soft voice.

Ave turned her face and looked at him. His face had a guilty expression on it. She glared at him then turned her gaze to the side.


"Come on. Let me explain. Don't pout at me."

"You didn't even bother to, last night. Why bother n—" She spoke indifferently and stopped as she felt arms wrapping around her waist from behind.


"I promise I didn't do anything with her. She's just my cousin." He mumbled as he buried his face on her shoulder.

Mei lifted his head off her shoulder.

"Alright. I got it."

She laid down on the bed as Jack followed her actions with his eyes.

"Did you not sleep?" he questioned her.

"Which woman would sleep when her husband is out, flirting with another?" Mei replied to him with another question.

Jack couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're so cute!" He bent down and pecked her cheek.

Ave's cheeks burned into a light hit.

"Wh-" She was confused about what he found cute exactly. She has never had a boyfriend in her past life causing her to be excluded from all kinds of loving affections.

She blinked fast for a half-a-second and gazed at the man who was getting up from the bed. She followed him with her eyes silently.

"You should get some rest." The man smiled as he caressed her hair.

Aveline nodded.

Jack walked out of the bedroom right after.

'Hmm... sleep...' Aveline couldn't hold back her eyes from closing anymore. Her head felt heavy and her mind was slowly going blank gradually. She lost all energy be in angry and pouting that she fell asleep quickly as she posed her head on the pillow.


"Your majesty!" A man ran towards Jack in a rush from behind.

Jack halted and turned his face to look at the man running behind him. It was his assistant, Zain Atlas.

Zain is a royal knight first of all, but also the king's right-hand man.

"What is it, Zain?" Jack asked as he glanced in front of him again.

Zain caught up his breath after a few seconds of panting. "It was urgent news. The full moon is in a week this year."

Jack turned back and glared at the male who had spoken.

"They said it was next month!"

"I know... but they said it was unpredicted and somehow the moon changed its speed." He looked at him speaking with a shaken voice.

Although he was the best knight and assistant of the empire, one of a million, he still feared the king like everyone.

"Prepare the carriage. I'm going to visit them." Jack ordered coldly with a murderous aura surrounding him.