Rites and Foundation

Ryu grit his teeth slightly as his body began to undergo another wave of refinement.

Why was the Spiritual Foundation so important? It was because it was through it that cultivators communicated with the Heavens.

When a human cultivator was born, they would be gifted with a set talent. But, how could a baby boy or girl withstand such valiant potential? Their bodies are too frail and their experience too thin.

As a result of this, humans evolved to have a sort of stop-gap measure. Spiritual Foundations were able to act as a lock and key, storing away a body's potential until it was ready to accept it. For Ryu, who was born with a seemingly impossible Ancestral Great Circle – a term used to refer to one born with Ancestral Grade talents in all Four Pillars – this was exceptionally important to him. At the same time, though, the pain he underwent was manifold that of his peers.