No Longer

'Qi Infestation…' Ryu frowned.

He had read about it before. Only a very, very small minority would survive unscathed after absorbing energy of a higher grade than they were aptly prepared to handle. Many more would die… But, the number who survived with more than visible scars was far more than those who survived without them.

Still, there were obviously benefits to surviving no matter what. This beast managed to awaken a Talent it had no business awakening.

'Strictly speaking, every beast has a potential to awaken all the Talents its Ancestors once wielded. In some form or fashion, all beasts are descendant of some Ancestral Grade beast of the past, so they all have some chance of growing to awaken those Talents.

'However, the possibility is just too small. In all my life, Nemesis is truly the first case of this happening naturally that I've ever seen. Many more are like this poor creature here who awakened said Talent by unnatural means.