
No one seemed to notice Ryu at all. It was impossible for a person to know of every possible face in such a large Sect, and for the current Ryu, bypassing the safety measures of this Sect was all too easy. In fact, from what Ryu had seen, the protective formation of the Carving Ice Sect was actually several orders of magnitude weaker than the one they had built in the depths of the mountain ranage. 

Of course, there were a few reasons for this. For one, the campsite deep within the mountain range was only a fraction the size of the Sect, allowing a more concentrated region of defense. Secondly, this formation was built into the surroundings and was very old, making it difficult to maintain for a Sect that had likely grown complacent. After all, the Carving Ice Sect was a behemoth of the Second Heaven, who did they have to fear? 

Ryu took another step and entered the library of the Carving Ice Sect.