
Was it a true Fate Star? When Ryu felt it succeed in forming, he knew that that wasn't the case, it didn't even have the slightest control over Fate, nor could it seem to absorb Heavenly Fate. Instead, it was rather like his own kernel, a seed for something that it might be able to become in the future. 

Ryu's Cosmic Seeds weaved together, intertwining and forming the solid foundation of a Godhood. And then, his Dao flourished, growing stronger and stronger. 

In that moment, it all clicked for Ryu. 

His Beyond Perfect Extreme Spiritual Foundation was odd. It was an existence which, rather than relying on his own Dao to flourish, instead seemed to need external items. 

This wasn't how cultivation was supposed to work and he had been thinking about what it could mean for his Spiritual Foundation to work like this. Even so, he had followed his instincts, not to mention the path the Heavens had laid out for him, and chosen to trust it.