It Could...

Ryu took the lecture in silence, coughing from time to time. 

His father was right, he knew that. But honestly, he never really worried about it. 

What would he do if a woman he neglected chose to leave him? Well, he wouldn't really care, so long as she never married again. Because if she chose to lie with another man after losing her Primordial Yin to him, it wouldn't just be a matter of her any longer, it would be about his pride and his Faith. He would never allow that. 

In truth, he would probably kill such a woman and her lover, never thinking twice about it. 

Was it fair? Of course not, he knew that. But Ryu wasn't a man who dealt in fairness to begin with. 

Most of these women his father was talking about had a clear understanding of his personality before they took action. The only exception to that was Mae… well, he guessed Isemeine as well. 

When Ryu thought of this, his relatively calm expression became a frown.