Dream Asura

The closer they got to the city, the less talkative Ryu was. His eyes kept flashing like lightning as he turned his head from side to side, seemingly observing his surroundings. But in reality, Selheira could sense a deep battle intent coming from him. It was as though he was hoping someone would pick a fight, and if they didn't, he would just pick one himself for next to no reason. 

She smiled and didn't say much. In truth, this might have been a problem on the Real Plane, but here it was fine… so long as they didn't poke the wrong hornets nest. 

The True Nether Plane was practically a free for all. One would think that there would be more structure on the Ninth Plane, but there was actually less of it. In fact, the most organized of the Planes was probably somewhere between the Fifth and Eighth Planes. Every form of structure collapsed up here.