This Time...

Ryu was immersed in a blazing aura that spiraled into the skies. His Realm Heart had already acted, taking this world and pushing it toward absolute perfection. Let alone being of the Omniscient Grade, only a rare few God Grade Holy Worlds could match up to it.

However, even as he was immersed in this aura, Ryu didn't seem to care about it much at all. In fact, he was still focused on the Holy Worlds he needed.

'Lightning… Earth… Space… Time…'

These were what he needed, but Ryu wasn't sure if he could even find a Holy World of Space and Time.

After strong-arming Star River into not wasting his time anymore, he managed to find out the location of everything he needed, and he also got the order from above to enter them all.

Unfortunately, there were none of Space and Time.

Ryu had been hoping to knock everything out in one go, but it seemed that he wasn't so lucky. Still, he wasn't quite convinced.