Episode Forty One - The Theory

Chapter Song Suggestion "

*note : all dialogues like so {example} are spoken from the predator's perspective


THE PAST | Levente

"You're all useless!" he raged madly. "What use do I have for you if you cannot even create a serum that surpasses Cell II? How is it possible that years of experiments and resources I've spent on this facility does not yield any results!"

"You have to understand, Lieutenant General, not all the children's DNA are compatible with the new serum and most of them die out within days," Bunnings, his head scientist argued. "We've come to believe that the new serum only works on those inborn with Cell II, mutated children who are not made but born."

"I don't care! I need stronger soldiers — better crops — who can kill even the hunters." Levente jabbed his scientist in the chest. "You have another month to show me some results or it's the end of your career."

"If I might make a suggestion...," a new voice interrupted.

"What is it?" Levente demanded in annoyance.

"Genetic splicing. It has a similar theory to hybridization with the exception of being born. If we include animal DNA into the children, the rate of success would be indefinitely higher. And there is one such child who meets the criteria required for this project."

"And who is this child?"

"Her name is Jade. And she's a mutated child born with Cell II in her DNA. She's the perfect specimen."

Levente smiled at the young scientist's confidence. "If you can prove to me that your theory is legitimate, then you shall take over Bunnings as head scientist. What is your name, young man?"

"I am not yet worthy of telling you my name, Lieutenant General. Allow me to prove my worth to you first."

He didn't know what game this man was playing but, he couldn't care less as long as he got what he wanted. "Fine, you have one month, and the clock starts now."



Florian grunted in pain, clutching the side of his chest. He rolled over in the snow, throwing aside his damaged earpiece. Pushing up on his elbows, he shouted, "Captain! Lars!"

Their snowmobiles had overturned in the explosion – hopefully – they wouldn't be stranded out here. From a distance, he saw a hand clawing its way out from under a pile of snow. Heart in his throat, Florian darted across the raging snowstorm and dropped to his knees, his desperate hands worked to save Lars. "I've got you, Lars!"

With a mighty yank, Lars's head broke through the snow, and he wheezed for air.

"Are you alright?" Florian searched him for signs of blood.

"I'm fine." Lars spat out a mouthful of snow. "Did anyone else survive?"

Glancing over his shoulder, Florian caught sight of the flaming truck. Huh. It seemed Lars had gotten one over the enemy after all. He must have fired at the fuel tank the moment the bazooka unleashed itself. "They're all dead."

"Good." Lars rose to his full height, smacking the wet snow off his hair and clothes. "And Eira?"

Florian shook his head regretfully. "We've lost contact with her."

"Let's head south-east. It'll lead us to her, and the rendezvous point with the rebellion unit."

Thankfully, one snowmobile still worked, and Lars drove while Florian watched his back. They found the third truck and corpses but no trace of Eira or Jade. It didn't escape Lars that one of the corpses belonged to unit four's Captain Lemaota. They weren't close but Lars always suspected one of the Captains was Levente's informant. Deciding there was nothing else here, they headed to the forest.

Through sharpshooter's scope lens, Florian pointed straight ahead. "Something's wrong. I see two unidentified figures with Eira. The others are out cold on the ground."

"More of Levente's men?"

"I don't think so. They aren't in uniform or carrying weapons." Florian frowned, noticing they weren't even outfitted for the weather but in…cloaks? Where did they come from?

"Our priority is safeguarding Jade. Do you see her?" Lars demanded.

"Yes, I see her." Confusion entered Florian's tone. "But there's something wrong with her too. I don't think little girls were meant to have bones sticking out of their arms." He couldn't even describe the unpleasant horror of what he was seeing. "All I can say is she's no longer human."

Nearing the scene, Lars fired his reaper at the space between Eira and the strangers – a warning shot – to keep everyone at a safe distance. He didn't want these dangerous men close to her.

Eira shielded her eyes from the sudden burst of snow. Were they being attacked? Had Levente's men found them?

"Eira, are you alright?" Florian's voice and warmth surrounded her.

Her eyes snapped wide open. "Florian?"

"Who are you?" She heard Lars addressing Regis and Veres, his voice as cold as the raging winds.

Veres didn't spare Lars a glance, his uncanny blue-gray eyes fixed on her. "It seems we've been interrupted. We'll meet again soon, Eira. I'm eager for us to get acquainted. For now, I'll take the girl with me."

Regis hauled Jade over his shoulder like a lifeless doll. It struck Eira as strange how subdued and docile she became. Was she being controlled against her will?

"Not another step," Lars growled silently.

{No! Don't force me! No kill, master's mate!}

Eira's head whipped towards Xue Long. What did she mean? There wasn't time for Eira to process the predator's protest because Xue Long pounced on Lars, shoving him flat on his back.

"Xue Long!" Eira cried in dismay. "Stop it!"

{Can't fight it, master. He controls me.}

Her breaths made angry clouds of vapor in the cold air, her mind racing. Was it Veres? Or Regis?

"Until next time, Eira." Regis's cultured voice floated as the trio disappeared into the mysterious portal.

"No, wait!" Eira shot to her feet, lunging forward. "You can't take her!"

"What the fuck—" Florian swore, unable to believe what he had witnessed. "Did they just disappear into a portal? How is that possible?"

"Stand down, Xue Long!" Lars's roar brought their attention back to the situation at hand. He cursed, fighting the dragon's weight. What the hell was wrong with Xue Long? She refused to listen to him, baring her fangs with the intention to kill. Having no choice, he slammed the butt of his reaper into her head, knocking her off.

Rising swiftly, he reduced the air pressure in his weapon and shot the dragon – three times – squarely in the chest. She went out like a light.

"Lars!" Eira ran to him, worry gripping her face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He touched her. "Did they hurt you?"

"No, no, they were here for Jade," she reassured, kneeling down beside her unconscious predator. "Is Xue Long going to be alright?"

"Don't worry, she's unharmed. I only knocked her out." Lars surveyed the damage with a grim face. "Florian, are the others alive?"

"One dead and several wounded," Florian announced, staunching Freya's bleeding wound. "Instructor Aridottir's losing too much blood. She needs immediate medical attention."

"I can help her," Eira volunteered, sinking to her knees beside them. "Freya's the closest person to a mother that I have. I can't let her die." Creating a small incision on her wrist, she allowed her blood to flow into Freya's unconscious lips.

"It's working." Florian watched the woman's wounds regenerating. "That's enough blood, Eira. She's going to be alright."

Relieved, she gave a weak nod.

Lars appeared beside her, clasping her shoulder. "Eira, this mission is a failure. How do those men know who you are?" Quiet words. Furious words. "Who are they?"

She swallowed nervously. "It was him...the man I met the night I left Ataxia."

His mouth firmed. "The older one with the hat?"

"No." A mixture of surprise, curiosity and wariness swirled in her emerald eyes. "That was Veres Falconer. He was Ataxia's chief scientist." She grabbed his forearms with desperate emphasis. "He's the one who perfected Cell II and Regis is the embodiment of Cell III. He's the man we've been looking for."


"Wait a minute. Let me get this straight." Koga paced back and forth, unable to wrap his head around the Captain's report. "You're telling us that the mission was a complete failure!?"

Eira visibly cringed, accepting the cup of hot cocoa from Anaelle. "Kaaqa. Thank you."

"Falconer's interference was unexpected." Lars's voice's rumbled against her back, his heat seeping into her chilled skin. It had been an hour since their return and the icy blizzard lingered in her bones. Feeling her indistinct shiver, Lars wrapped the blanket tighter around her. "It seems we now have a name for our unknown enemy. Anaelle, what information can you pull up on Veres Falconer?"

Anaelle projected Falconer's profile photo from the government's database onto the holographic screen. "Veres Falconer. He was Ataxia's Commander-in-Chief for the research and development division who went missing ten years ago. Born a native of Thaenia, his father was a fundamental provisions soldier who died in the field when Falconer was eight years old. A decade later, his mother died of disease, leaving him an orphan. In light of his father's connections to the military, Falconer enrolled into the graduate program and became an outstanding scientist."

Several photos of Falconer in social events appeared – in all of them, he never smiled. Except one. Eira sat taller when Falconer's wedding photo dominated the screen. It was his smile, and the love shining in his usually cold eyes that captivated her.

"By age thirty, he became the youngest C.I.C in Ataxian history and he was married to Venetia Rubart, a marine biologist who later died in an exploration expedition. There were many rumours surrounding her tragic death, and it was believed Falconer resented the government for it. A few months later, he disappeared, leaving behind all his possessions."

"How certain are you that the man you saw was Falconer?" Koga directed this question at Eira.

"There is no doubt about it." Her voice rang clear. "I saw his picture in Kaiser's lab and I recognized his crippled right hand. I never told anyone but, Veres Falconer visited me during the Ataxia Intra-Unit Championship." Behind her, Lars stiffened. "He congratulated me and said he was an admirer. When we shook hands, and I noticed his right hand was badly scarred. It's not exactly forgettable."

"What about his accomplice? The young man beside him," Florian asked. "There's something familiar about him."

"That's because we've all met him once — on the Oasis," Eira answered. "He calls himself Regis Ciel and he's devoted to Veres Falconer. He's the one who directed me to the clawtail and briefly explained what I — we are. Regis is Cell III and I am his predecessor."

"There's something I'm curious of." Anaelle set her tablet aside. "Based on everything that has happened, it seems you are the connecting point, Eira. I think you're the source of their interest."

Eira gently shook her head. "I don't think that's entirely the case. So far it has all been a coincidence. If I was their target, there were many opportunities for them to abduct me or force my hand. Strangely, they have never pressured me, and I believe today they were there for Jade."

"Speaking of Jade, whatever the fuck they've done to her, she's no longer human." Florian recalled her monstrous appearance.

"She killed one of Freya's men." The faint whisper rippled out of Eira. "I was too shocked to react. I couldn't believe what they had done to her. Her eyes and tongue reminded me of an old era snake, and there were scales on her face." Eira gestured to her elbow, drawing out an invisible arc with her hand. "There were scythe-shaped bones coming out from her elbows and they were sharp enough to kill a man." Her voice trembled. "Jade couldn't recognize me. I don't think she was mentally coherent at all."

"What's up with these people?" Frustration edged Koga's question. "The Lieutenant General is experimenting on children and now we learn Veres Falconer is the father of Cell II? Are we dealing with two bad guys?" He raked a hand through his hair with distracted roughness. "There has to be an end to this."

"I believe the Lieutenant General and Veres Falconer share the same objective," Eira stated. "But if Falconer has perfected Cell III, then that makes him the more dangerous party."

"So, both Levente and Falconer are attempting to create an army of super soldiers. Is this a comparison of who has the bigger dick?" Koga scoffed. "If they unleash whatever monstrosity they have created on what's left of humanity, there's no way anyone will survive."

Florian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What is the reason for them to obsess over these super soldiers? Are they motivated by wealth?"

Then, it hit Eira. "Could they be preparing for war?"

"With whom? Each other?" Koga remarked sardonically.

"Today I heard Veres Falconer saying these words, 'Novak must be trying to play God again'." She tilted her head to look at Lars. "Do you think they have something to do with each other? Like an opposing connection?"

Lars couldn't discount the plausibility. "You might be onto something. I guess the only way to be sure is to look into their shared history. Not including the present staff, Levente and Falconer have served Ataxia for the longest time."

"I'll see what I can find," Anaelle said immediately.

"But Captain, what's going to happen now that the mission has failed?" Koga asked. "Should we continue our efforts on the championship?"

"Yes, the three of you will continue participating in the championship. Levente mustn't suspect a thing," Lars returned.

"Even if he does, there's no evidence to incriminate us," Florian confidently added.

Lars cut him a stern glare. "There are no chances with Levente, Florian. Always, remember that."

Duly chastised, Florian lowered his gaze. "Yes, Captain."

"If there's nothing else, then let's call it a day. Get some rest. There are three more days until the championship ends, and we just have to last until then."

Eira protested when Lars scooped her into his arms, carrying her back to their quarters. "I can walk on my own, Lars."

"I know," he returned gently. "But I enjoy the feel of you in my arms."

Worrying her lower lip, she asked once they were alone. "Are you mad at me?"

"Don't do that." He rubbed a thumb over her abused lip and gently set her down on the sofa. "Why would I be mad at you?"

She fidgeted. "I just had a feeling that you were when we lost Jade today."

Lars bent to take her hands, golden rimmed eyes shining with sincerity. "I was angry. But not at you."

Her shoulders sagged in relief.

"I was frustrated by the situation. Jade was right there, and we lost her."

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything."

"It wasn't your fault."

"There was something strange about the entire set-up," she reflected with deep suspicion. "Don't you think it's too coincidental how they appeared just in time to take Jade from us? It's as if they had been watching us the entire time." Lines marred her forehead. "And then there was that mind control over Xue Long. It's frightening to think that either one of them has that kind of power." She gave him a helpless look. "What are we going to do about them?"

He heaved a weary sigh. "Right now, there's nothing we can do. There's not enough information on what Falconer's planning to do. Or Levente even." He scrubbed a palm over his face, releasing a frustrated growl from within. "This is driving me insane. Everytime we stumble upon a new clue or lead, it takes us nowhere. All this information we have are like scattered puzzles, but we are not even close to understanding the truth."

Eira couldn't help chuckling. "It's strange to see you so stressed out.

Suddenly, Lars's communication device beeped. Padding over to his monitor, he answered the call. Mickael's face appeared, overcast with worry.

"Mickael," Lars acknowledge his mentor.

Eira flew out of the sofa and materialized beside him. "First Lieutenant, how is Freya's condition?"

"She's fine," Mickael replied, sounding tired and blunt around the edges.

The tightness in Eira's chest loosened.

Like a lightbulb being switched on, a burst of energy moved in the crystalline depths of those inhumane eyes. "Who were those fuckers who shot at her?"

Lars filled Mickael in on what happened and who had taken Jade.

"Veres Falconer?" Mickael grated. "That's a name I haven't heard in years. I've met him a few times when he was the C.I.C for the research division."

"That's right. He went missing ten years ago."

"Apparently, that's no longer the case." Mickael remarked, incensed. "I'll contact you as soon as I have any information. This possible connection between Levente and Falconer rings a bell on an old case."

"I'll be waiting."

After the call disconnected, Eira contemplated. "If our hunch is right about the Lieutenant General and Veres Falconer, does that mean Ataxia will be going to war?"

"It'll be unavoidable," Lars said bleakly. "Unless we find a way to stop them, it might truly be the end of the world."