Episode Forty Three - Mine

Chapter Song Suggestion "DICTATOR by Rei Ami"



She mopped the sweat off her brow, headed to the infirmary after a rigorous training session. Her palm was bleeding from an accidental bowstring cut and her fingers were sore. It was time to replace her worn out gloves.


She turned at the sound of her name. Apprehension sailed through her when she realized it was Petr. "What do you want, Petr?"

"What's with that tone of voice?" His eyes narrowed. "I told you never to talk down to me."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I just...had a rough day." Her relationship with him was falling apart and she didn't know how to break it off. Petr had changed. When they first met, he was kind and sweet but after she gave him her body, signs of his true nature started slipping through the cracks of his veneer. She didn't realize it at first until he began putting her down in front of acquaintances and treating her rougher in bed.

In truth, he frightened her.

"Come with me, there's something I need you to do for me."

She took an involuntary step back. "I-I can't. I need to get my hand checked out."

He frowned at her offensive palm, annoyed by her excuse. "We can tend to it later. My work is more important and you're only making a big deal of nothing. You're a kill hunter in training. If you can't withstand the pain then you're better off dead."



She couldn't believe the degradation of what she was wearing. This bunny costume was biting into her skin, the leotard chafing her bottom. What kind of official party required their waitresses to dress in such a revealing costume!

Glancing in the mirror, she slid on the matching headband, tied on the bow tie collar, and tamed her flowing red tresses. She admitted, she looked cute in this sexy assemble. Her devilish side wondered how Lars would react to this. A feminine thrill seized her.

There was a knock on her door. "Are you ready, Ms. Ulva?"

"I'm coming!" she called, collecting her clothes, and stuffing them inside her bag. Stashing everything into the workroom locker, she met the head waitress at the front of house.

"Your job is simple. You just need to serve a continuous flow of drinks. When you see someone with an empty glass, just slip them a new one."

While she worked the floor, Eira searched for Lars. It had been an hour but there was still no sign of him. How strange. Was she at the right venue? But she saw Colonel Emory chatting with the other Captains in the backroom. Even the unsmiling Captain Hakon was here.

Eira didn't see the figure approached until she bumped into him, jostling the empty glasses on her tray. "I'm so sorry!" Her hand shot out reflexively to catch one, breathing a sigh of relief. It wasn't broken. The last thing she wanted was to be yelled at for being clumsy.

"Eira, is that you? Well, don't you look hot."

Her muscles stiffened. Glancing up, she was glad for the dim lightings because she was certain she had gone pale. "P-Petr…what are you doing here?"

"I was invited of course," he replied smugly, his eyes lingering on her chest. "I didn't know you were into volunteering." His voice lowered, and his fingers imprisoned her wrist. It seemed he still enjoyed using force to get what he wanted. "Or are you looking for company tonight? I'll be happy to oblige and fuck you for old times' sake."

His demeaning words unlocked her from her prison of fear. She stared back at him, wondering what she ever saw in him. This man had manipulated her, used her, trampled on her spirit, and thought he could put her back together again. He made her doubt her self-worth, made her contemplate suicide once and he never loved her. He was a selfish, devious bastard and she had been a stupid girl who fell into his trap.

But everything was different now. Her naivete was a lesson learned and now that she was reunited with Lars, he made her feel everything this lying snake never could.

"Stay the fuck away from me, Petr. I'm no longer that foolish child who hung onto your every word and believed everything you said. You don't own me anymore and this better be the last time I see you." She wrenched her hand away. "I'm not defenseless and I know at least a hundred ways to gut a man where he stands. Test me if you want to forfeit your life."

The lethal softness of her words made him flinched.

She felt it, a power that was rightfully hers, flowing back into her body from him to her. No longer would his chains keep her bound. Glaring at him, she walked away, feeling immensely proud of herself. That was the moment, she saw them.

Everything inside Eira came to a perfect standstill at the unfolding scene. Lars was with Kalina. She was trying to take him somewhere, but Lars was…resisting? In fact, the way his bisecting scar was pulled taut over his face told Eira he was sneering. What was going on?

Marching over, she exclaimed, "Get your fucking hands off my man, Kalina!"

"Eira?" She heard Lars's sluggish tone.

"What have you done, Kalina?" Eira demanded angrily. "Haven't you learnt your lesson? After saving your life, this how you repay me by attempting to steal my man? It seems once honour is lost, it cannot be retrieved."

Kalina's face distorted with bitter fury. "Lars is the only one for me, Eira. You can have anyone you want!"

"He doesn't love you. When will you get it inside your thick skull!"

"I don't care! I just need him with me." Borderline desperation seeped into her crumbling voice. "You have taken everything from me ever since we were children."

Eira's brows drew together. "I've never coveted what's yours."

"Everywhere you go, you just need to have the attention, don't you?" Kalina taunted resentfully.

"Eira. Thank God you're here." Lars interrupted, crowding Eira until she had no choice but to back up a few steps.

Opening her mouth, she was about to ask him what's wrong when he kissed her. Eyes widening at his sudden attack, she made a protesting sound. This wasn't like him. Something was wrong.

"Lars! Stop!" Her words were smothered by his mouth.

She tasted the whiskey on his tongue, unable to turn her head away when he imprisoned her in his unbreakable grip. It wasn't long before her body responded, her nipples pebbling and her pussy growing wet. Eira couldn't breathe as Lars consumed her. His lips were a bruising force upon hers, their tongues slipping and sliding. It was lewd, wet, and so fucking hot.

Naked heat sizzled between them, sparking her own desire. No one else but Lars could ignite this fire inside her. His hands snaked down to her waist, pulling her close so that their bodies touched. Eira felt the hard bulge of his erection, instinctively grinding against him.

Lars groaned, finally releasing her long enough to lavish open-mouthed kisses up her neck to her ear. "I want you. Right now."

"H-Here?" she stuttered, eyes darting around. Shockingly, no one was paying them any attention. Kalina had long disappeared – good riddance!

"Come with me." He seized her wrist. "I know a place."

Eira allowed him to lead her out of the loft bar, riding the lift a few floors down before striding down a carpeted hallway. She was appalled when he started testing every door. "What the hell are you doing!"

A door clicked open, and Lars didn't waste time slamming her against the wall to suck on her tongue. He was wild, and she revelled in it. The crinkling of his belt was loud amidst their wet kissing, and she cried when he viciously shoved her crotch aside, running his fingers over her wetness and pinching her slippery clit.

Her back arched from the sensitivity, pressing her groin against his hard dick.

Lars shoved his fingers inside her, screwing them in and out until she was whimpering into his mouth. "This first round's going to be hard and fast," he warned before ramming inside her. A shot of pleasure burst through him and straight to his cock at the sound of her high-pitched moan. He plunged into her mercilessly, feeling her tight pussy spasming around him as she clenched, the abundance of her wetness making it easy for him to tunnel in and out.

The glorious tingling at the base of his spine told him that he was about to come. Reaching down to her pussy, he rubbed her swollen clit until it sent her over the edge, her legs tightening around him as she convulsed brutally around his cock, milking every drop as he shot deep inside her womb.

Breathing harshly, he carried her to the bed and caged her with his body. With the edge taken care of, he was more or less coherent and feeling more like himself. "I'm sorry if I was too rough. Kalina spiked my whiskey."

"That bitch!" Eira exclaimed breathlessly. "You can't let her get away with this."

"Oh, I won't," he said menacingly. "But after I have my wicked way with you." He palmed her breasts before yanking down the corset to suck on her nipples. "You look so fucking sexy in this. Without this drug in my system, I would be willing to fuck you for days."

She moaned from the heat of his mouth, feeling the sweet pressure of his hands moulding her and the sharp pleasure-pain of his teeth, tenderly nipping the creamy slopes of her breasts. Impatiently, he divested her of the costume, leaving on her bowtie and high heels. "Do you know what this room is?" He trailed kisses down to her gushing pussy, sticking his tongue out to taste her.

"N-no!" she panted.

"This is a playroom for lovers. There's a reason why this place is famous."

Eira's eyes snapped wide open when she felt the brush of soft silk against her mound. Golden, lust-filled eyes stared at her with a hunger he was usually adept at hiding. "Do you trust me?" Words like velvet whispered over her skin.

Her breath shuddered erratically. Was it anxiety? Anticipation? She wasn't sure. "Yes, I do. But it makes me feel uneasy how well you know this place."

He smirked. "Jealous? Well don't be, because this my first time using it. I only heard about these playrooms from the other guys." Lars raised the blindfold over her eyes and knotted it behind her head. Covering her mouth with his, he teased her with sensual, deep kisses that strangled Eira's ability to think. She wondered what he was doing when he lifted her wrist and cuffed her.

Eira pulled away at once. "What are you doing?"

"Relax, I'm going to bind your wrists." A sensual lick along the shell of her ear. "And then I'm going to fuck this tight, little pussy until it's sore and overflowing with my cum and nothing else but my name on these beautiful lips of yours."

The eroticism of his words was enough to send a quick flush of arousal through her body, provoking a renewed pulse between her thighs. She tightened around him, and his cock throbbed in violent response, hard and raging to go.

Lars smiled fiercely, tracking the flush from her cheeks, down to her chest. Her distinct lust perfumed the air as her legs fell open, urging him to continue. Securing both her wrists in the padded cuffs attached to the walls, Lars's hands anchored her pelvic as he pumped his hips into her, the sensations that rocked him turned his savagery into a frenzy.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" Eira's cries ricocheted off the walls.

How beautiful she looked, bound up like his willing sacrifice, her breasts bouncing with each thrust of his hips, her body stretched taut as he lifted her off the bed, her silky, red tresses kissing the sheets. It was too much. He fucked her like she had never experienced, his mouth and hands were everywhere, taking what was his, claiming every inch.

Holding her suspended, he rammed her deeply and thoroughly, exalting in the lewd sounds of their slapping, wet flesh. Eira opened herself to him in full submission, whimpering and whining, crying out that she wanted to touch him, begging for him to move harder, faster.

As their climax approached, Lars moved her upright, hugging her against his chest as she came, quivering and undulating above him. The clench of her pussy sent him over the edge and his second orgasm rocketed through his body and mind in a jagged and delicious rush, and he erupted inside her.

Eira panted as exhaustion and bliss rode her. Her muscles were sluggish, and she had to lean on Lars for support. She was slightly relieved when he moved to uncuff her and removed her blindfold. But it was cut short when he lifted her onto his lap and turned them around to face the mirror.

She gasped at the sight of their erotic reflection. She hadn't realized the entire wall was made of a large piece of mirror. Sitting on the edge of the king-sized bed, Lars draped each of her leg over his thighs. Heat spread throughout her body, and she blushed furiously at the carnal display of their sexes – her pussy sucking him in, and his cock glistening with their combined fluids.

"You look beautiful," he whispered. "Look at how perfect you're wrapped around me. There's no one else but you, Eira."

A tight clench around his cock told him she liked hearing those words.

His corded arms wrapped around her thighs and lifted her like a weightless doll towards the mirror. An involuntarily moan escaped her lips at the feel of him jostling inside her. "Watch us," he commanded. "Don't close your eyes or you'll be punished."

Eira whimpered as he started moving, thrusting slowly in and out of her, setting the pace. In this position, she could feel him go deeper, hitting her cervix effortlessly with each thrust. Stealing a glance at herself, she was astounded yet highly aroused by the look of pure ecstasy on her face. Lars noticed her staring because his rich, decadent tone fleeted in her ear, molten eyes trapping hers in the mirror. "What if I told you that this isn't truly a mirror but a two-way glass?"

A strangling squeeze.

He chuckled; the sound almost cruel in its splendour. "Do you like that? Does the thought of strangers watching me ram into this greedy little pussy turn you on?" Lars pressed her against the mirror, forcing her to brace her hands against the cool glass, her hot breath fogging it up.

She mewled, head dropping at the sensations his big body was forcing upon her. He could see her muscles trembling, screaming for relief yet she continued to take him.

Fuck. Lars couldn't believe that this strong, exquisite woman was submitting to him so beautifully. No matter how hard he fucked her, how fast he slammed into her or how much he touched her – it wasn't enough. His eyes lowered to their wet sexes, primal satisfaction flooding him at the sight of his milky cum coating his dick as it slid in and out of her.

One day, he was going to fill her up good and watch her belly grow with their child. She was so fucking beautiful. So his. "Mine."

And with that thought, Lars came for the third time that night – his emotions running higher than a kite, higher than the drug in his system could ever take him.