
YEAR 3360

"Have you heard about the island off Craole called Haven?" the sailor asked his comrades. "People say its mistress is a beautiful huntress and predator whisperer with hair as red as fire. Haven is heavily guarded by three magnificent beasts, all of them higher than a four-star threat."

"Yes, I've heard those rumours. They say Haven's owned by ex-military kill hunters offering refuge to those seeking shelter from predation. But the mistress's husband is a fierce warrior who jealously guards his wife. He once severed a man's hand for touching her."

"Who in their right mind would go there? The owners seem more fearsome than the predators we are running away from."

"You poor fools," a voice from behind taunted.

"Whose there?" the sailor whirled around, wondering how they had missed the man's footsteps.

"Don't you know that's where this ship is headed to?"

The sailors shuffled back as the man with long brown hair and blue eyes appeared, wielding a gun in his hand.

"Save your breath, Florian." Another figure appeared, his slanted eyes revealing his oriental ancestry. "We'll just let Aeolus gobble them up once we reach the shore."

The one called Florian chuckled darkly. "That's a good idea. If Eira gets mad, I'm going to blame it on you."

The sailor recognized those names, his face turning pale as a ghost. "A-Aren't you the soldiers living on Haven?"

Florian sketched an elegant bow. "Florian Denali at your service."

"Do you know these men?"

Everyone's attention shifted to the new, gruff character in the background. Had the third man been there all along? What was wrong with these people? They exuded a deadly aura that made the sailors instinctively tremble with fear.

"No," Florian answered amicably. "We're making small talk. Something you Qeathans aren't fond of."

Qeathan? That was a Skocian tribesman. The sullen looking man was unusually dressed in nothing but animal pelt and intimidating scars covered his entire torso. The Qeathan grunted. "You are the one who talks too much."

"Land ahoy!" Their comrade hollered from the crow's nest above. "Get ready to dock, boys!"


Eira couldn't stop fidgeting, her anxiety overwhelming her nonexistent calm.

"Mommy, why are your hands so sweaty?" Sabina demanded in her adorable, childish voice.

"Your uncle is coming today, Sabina. Your mother is nervous about meeting her brother after so many years," Lars appeared, crouching before their daughter who was a mini replica of Eira. "Do you remember the time you met your brother?"

Sabina nodded excitedly. "He wouldn't stop crying I thought my ears would bleed."

Lars made a mental note to reduce Koga's babysitting time. "That's right. Well, do you remember how excited you were but also scared?"


"That's how your mother feels right now."

Sabina glanced up at Eira. "Don't worry, mommy. Your brother will love you like how I love Casper."

A reluctant smile curved Eira's lips. She planted a kiss on Sabina's rounded cheek. "Thank you, Sabi."

"The ship's here." Lars peered into the distance, seeing the figures descending the gangway. He held out a hand to his wife. "Come sweetheart, it's time to meet your brother."

Taking a deep breath, Eira slipped her hand into his and allowed him to guide her. She was surprised when Lars confessed about actively searching for her tribe after they left Ataxia. Months later, he found them and delivered a message. She was clueless about the contents of what Lars and her brother had exchanged but, Kulan was here.

"Captain, we're back!" Koga greeted exuberantly.

"Welcome home, both of you," Lars acknowledged the men.

"We brought him as you requested, Captain." Florian stepped aside to reveal an equally tall man with a brooding, dark scowl.

Eira's breath hitched. It really was Kulan in the flesh. Fear from a distant memory and a different time pooled like acid in her stomach. What if he rejected her? What if—

"It'll be alright." Lars supportively squeezed her hand, reeling her back to the present. "Trust me."

Kulan's gaze landed on Eira, a subtle change in those eyes telling Lars that the man didn't wholly believed him about his sister's existence. But there was also a glimmer of relief and love. "Eira, sesil. Sister." He spread his arms wide open. "Marisi, anakki. Come, child."

Tears flooded her eyes. Kulan had always called her a child. It was his nickname for her. She fled into his arms. "Asili! Brother!"

Lars was glad to see the siblings reunite. He had made the right decision after all. Eira was too afraid of her brother's rejection that she couldn't bring herself to reconnect with her people.

"Do you still blame me for what happened to our parents?" she mumbled softly.

"No, of course not. I was young and angry. I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you." Kulan's face was filled with regret. "I was so worried when you went missing and I've never stopped searching for you. Your husband reached out to me, and I had to come and see that you are alive with my own eyes." He cupped her cheek. "Are you happy, sesil?"

She nodded at once. "Oh, yes. I love Lars very much, and our children too."

"Yes, your husband wrote about your two wonderful children. A daughter and a son."

"Would you like to meet them?" Her hesitance was palpable.

Kulan smiled for the first time since he began the trip. "Yes, I would like that very much."


Author's Note : STAY TUNE for the Epilogue Special tomorrow! You'll get a peek into the eldest Verhelst child's daily life!