Chapter 2 Rain man

James and Leon spent the next day driving around Kern County aimlessly. But James could not hold in his anger anymore. He stepped out the car kicking and shouting. "Samuel, you backstabbing bastard! You just been waiting to kill me off? Fuck you!" "Uh, Dad." "Shut up! I need to calm down and think straight. All I can do is keep moving."

Leon hangs his head down. Why are you like this? You're a heartless killer.


James looked across the street and saw two men in an alley smoking a blunt. "Yeah, a smoak that's what I need.

"Hay, can I get a light?" James asked. As Leon stood behind James, a strange man creeps up behind him. The strange man wrapped a red cloth around Leon's face and drags him into the alley. "Dad! Dad help!" James turned around and witnessed the strange man taking his son.

He ran at the man and crushes the lit cigarette on his forehead. The strange man lets go of Leon as the man cried in pain. James continues to pummel and stomp the man to death.

 Leon clung to his father's leg as tears enveloped his face. "Stop crying, stop your fucking crying! I can't deal with you anymore; I can't be always saving you and I don't need a snot-nosed brat slowing me down." Either kill or die trying."

James pulled out a small pocketknife, placed it in Leon's waistband then walked back to the men smoking a blunt. "Can I get a light again." James took in a long deep puff. "Yeah, that helped. Also, thanks you two for the help back there. Really appreciate that." James and Leon headed back to the car and drove away.

As night the fell James and Leon made themselves comfortable in the car.

"You should go to sleep its way passed your normal bedtime." "Ma changed my bedtime from nine to eleven months ago." "Is that right." Still, you had a long day."

"Do you like killing? Leon said." "Don't ask stupid questions." "Ma said it's bad to kill and only bad guys kill people." "So, what I'm a bad guy? Listen to me, I'm a grown up and I'm doing whatever it takes to survive. Understand that, now go to sleep."

James on the verge of drifting off to sleep when awoken by a tapping on his window. Beside the car stood an old black man. "Knock, knock, the old man said.

"Can I help you?" James said. "I'm actually here to help you." "Na, I'm good I don't need any help," James said. "Are you sure, what about your little one in the back? Let me help, I'll show you to the homeless shelter I stay at," The old man said. "Fine."

The old man sat in the passenger seat and guided him to the shelter. Within no time they arrived at Bakersfield Homeless Center. "Why did you help us?" James asked.  "Hi, I'm Reggie and I like helping people," The old man said. "James and this is Leon." "Let me situate the both of you."

 As they gathered supplies Reggie introduced them to everyone they passed by. Reggie gave them two foldable beds, two covers, and a bag of everyday necessities.

"I see you brought in some more trash Reggie," a man said. Behind him two men with smug looks on their faces. "Howard, why you got to be like this?" Reggie said. "Like what?" Howard said. "Just behave yourselves," Reggie sigh. Howard and this crew walks away. "Stay safe Reggie, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen," Howard said.

"You should keep your distance from them James. Their nothing but trouble." "I appreciate that I really do. I better put the boy to bed," James said. "See you in the morning."

That night James thought to himself. Could those men really be that dangerous? I would have to see it for myself and if they are, they could be useful.

"Leon, I have something to do today, go find Reggie. Stay with him until I get you," James said. Leon nodded his head and left.

James asked around and searched the shelter but only told to ask Larry. "People around here says you like to be nosy. So, where can I find Howard?" James said. "I do know but that's dangerous information." "How much?" "Three hundred." "No that's too much." "Okay, I do accept alternative payments."

James grabbed Larry's wrist. "Let go, please." As Larry fell to his knees James brakes Larry's pinky. "How about my alternative payment is I don't brake anymore of your fingers?" "Yes, yes sure. He's usually in the basement, but he should be at Philly's Auto shop on Kingsley Ln."

As James heads to Philly's Auto shop Leon searched for Reggie. "What's up kiddo?" Reggie asked. "Dad left." "Oh, are you planning to spend the day with me? Am I right?" Reggie asked. Leon nodded.

"Tell me about yourself?" Reggie said. Leon looked at his feet. "Do you have any friends?" Reggie asked. "A little." "I guess moving around a lot makes it difficult to make friend, but don't be ashamed for not having many friends. They say all a person needs is one friend to be happy. If you ever begin to lose friends, I will always be your friend." Reggie said. Leon nods again.

"Hay what is your favorite..." "Sorry to interrupt, but we need your help on the far west end?" a woman said. Behind her was a little boy.

"Alright, I'll be on my way in a moment. Leon this is Arcadia and her little brother, this is Leon," Reggie said. "Hi," Leon said. "Hi, I'm Arcadia Rosemary. I'm a volunteer and this is Arcane my brother, my little helper," Arcadia said. "Why don't Leon and Arcane play together while we fix this problem?" Reggie said.

At the edge of Kingsley Lane stood Philly's Auto Shop, a local favorite. Behind the shop Eddy the manager, Howard, and his two goons Mort and Grey.

"Nice shop you got here very rustic," James said. "Thanks, and who are you?" Eddy said. "I'm an arms trafficker and I believe we can form a partnership. I can tell some people fear you but whatever you're doing is not enough. You're stuck in the slums. No, the muck."

"What a hell of an opening pitch. Are you this rude to all potential partners?" "I'm just being honest to get straight to the point. Like they say two heads are better than one," James said.

"That's sounds nice but still who the fuck are you?" Howard said. "Wait a second Howard, this is that filthy rat Reggie brought in last night," Grey said.  "Right that guy. Okay so how do you expect to help us," Howard said.

"Well first what do you actually do." "We offer a one mouth protection from us and if they can't pay too bad," Howard said. "So, in short you threaten people to pay you money, so you don't beat them up. Ha-ha…ha. What a waste of time!" James said. The four looked at each other confused.

"Y'all are literally acting like school bullies, beating up others for lunch money. Ha-a-aha." "You got a problem?" Howard said." "Ha, I change my mind you all are just some pathetic," James stated. "Na you're not gonna disrespect me and walk away," Howard said.

He grabbed his metal bat and his two goons pulled out their knifes.

James pointed his gun back at them. "No no….no! Now look I'm trying to be merciful right now." James walked away.

It was noon and Arcane and Leon had collapsed from wrestling. "I win," Arcane said. "How are you so strong?" Leon asked. "My sister has been teaching me how to fight.

"I'm like a ninja.

"Arcane it's time to go," Arcadia said. "Okay see you later," Arcane said. "Kiddo, do you know what time you dad will be back?" Reggie said. Leon shook his head. "That's odd," Reggie said.

The two waited at the front of the shelter, but it became obvious that he was not going to return soon. "Leon, can you go back inside I need to made a phone call. The boy's dad never came back can he say with you," Reggie said. "Glady," Arcadia said.

When Arcadia returned, she found Leon crying into a pillow. "What did I do wrong?" "Dad left me. He said he was tied of me and wanted to leave me," Leon said. "Have he ever left for a long time before?" Arcadia said. He nods. "He'll came back didn't he. I promise you he will be back. In the meantime, you can stay with us." "But you might hate me too." "I could never hate you. "You're too much of a nice kid. Are you ready to go?" He node.

Once they arrived at Arcadia's home, she tucked him into her couch and gave him a goodnight kiss. "Wake up wake up time for breakfast," Arcane said. "Good morning, I fixed bacon and eggs," Arcadia said.

"Also, would you like to join Arcane in his homeschooling?" He nod. "How old are you, Leon?" "Eleven." "Alright you're only a year younger then Arcane. Great the subject in class will be fine."

After they ate breakfast, they hit the books. 9 o' clock first period English, 10 o' clock second period math, 11 o' clock third period history, 12 o' clock lunch, and 12:50 fourth period martial arts and science. Leon flopped onto the couch.

"I…can' anymore," Leon said. "I asked you did you wanted me to go easy," Arcane said. "You can rest in the car, we're late to go the shelter," Arcadia said.

"Sis can we stay home? Please." "Are you sure you're ready?" Arcadia said. "I'm stronger now." "You said that last time." "I'm better trust me." "Fine don't cause any trouble."

"What should we do?" Leon said. "We can make a pillow fort and watch movies." "Cool."

Two hours later Leon woke up unable to move his arms. Leon headbutt Arcane wake. "What's going on?" Arcane said. "I don't know."  "Wait do you hear that, did someone break in? We need to call someone," Arcane said. "Leon lay back-to-back I can untie you." Arcane untied Leon and Leon untied Arcane.

"Marcus are you sure we're at the right house?" said one the invaders.  "What do you mean of course, I'm sure," Marcus said. "Really I don't remember you mentioning two kids in a sheet tint." "I'm fairly sure that's a pillow fort, but I know she's the one. There's no mistake it's here, John."

Leon and Arcane sneaked pass the invaders to kitchen and grabbed the house phone. "Sis get home now somebody boke into the house." "Arcane what happened?"

"I'm going to make a sandwich," John said. Leon and Arcane hid the cabinet and Arcane hangs up. The sound of crashing pans rang out. "I hope they don't have rats." John creeped open the cabinet inches away from Leon.

"I find it." John rushed back to Marcus. "Everything we need is here," Marcus said. "Are we done here." "No, it still needs few minutes to extract everything."

The invaders heard a loud drop. John ran out and saw Arcane in the hallway on the ground. Like instinct he kicked Arcane in gut and stepped on neck. "Stopped let him go," Leon said. He grabbed Leon by the head and launched him into the kitchen.

"You think you can get the dropped on me," John said. "No but I can." Arcane stabbed him in the leg. "Now my house or I'll…" Marcus wacked Arcane in head. "I'm ashamed I have to beat up a child for this," Marcus said.

The invaders tied Leon and Arcane with John watching over. "I can't take it anymore I'm gonna broke this kid's leg," John said. "No, harming the kids." "He stabbed me. Even if he's a potential hostage he's need to be able to walk." It's pointless." "You pussy you're acting like this only because you have a kid. You can't handle the screaming of the children."

A bullet shot through Marcus. "Marcus speak to me." Another bullet shot John bring him to his knees. John struggled to keep his eyes open as a woman figure come into view. "You bitch."

"How dare you lay your hands on my bother." She shot the John in the face. Two hours later Leon and awake in Arcane arms. "I'm sorry sis I couldn't do anything." "It's okay everything is fine."