Gather and Head to the Dark Abyss Cliff

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

In these few days, Nie Ling had already passed down the instructions, and Su Yi had cultivated for another two days.

But today, they arrived at the southern side of Horizon City's teleportation array.

Nie Ling stood beside him, pacing around from time to time.

It was already late in the morning, and Li Mengxi still had not arrived, causing her to feel a little resentful.

"Tsk, at that time, she even said she would be waiting for us, but in the end, she's still so late."

However, just as she finished speaking, Li Mengxi's voice entered their ears.

"Fellow Daoist Nie, it's not right to speak ill of others behind their backs."

The two looked towards the source of the voice and saw that Li Mengxi was wearing a dark green robe today. Her long hair was tied up and draped over her waist.

At first glance, she looked stunning.