Surround and Kill the Demon King. Nie Ling Is in Danger

Just as the three of them were rushing towards the high cliff, the twin-tailed spirit-sucking cat squinted its eyes and looked at them.

The tail behind it flapped and made cracking sounds.

In its eyes, there were many humans who wanted to capture it in the great desolate region.

However, he had escaped every single one of them.

Moreover, these three humans were inferior to it.

Tsk, this was not worth its attention.

It lazily turned its body, showing no signs that it was being surrounded and killed.


A cold ray of light pierced through the air. It was Su Yi, who was the first among the three to arrive.

He raised his hand and shot out a Tiangang Sword Intent Finger, aiming at the head of the twin-tailed spirit-sucking cat.

The moment the cold sword Qi got close to the demon king, the tiger-sized figure turned into a shadow and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already more than a hundred feet away.