To Face Death and Live, Life and Death Are All within a Single Thought

Su Yi looked back, and behind him was a canyon and an abyss.

The path of retreat in front was blocked by Xuan Lingzi, and there were towering cliffs around him.

In this situation, he could only grow wings and fly. However, he was only in the foundation establishment realm, so how could he fly in the air?

Flying in the air was a skill that only core formation realm cultivators had. In the foundation establishment realm, whether it was true essence or strength, it was simply not enough for a cultivator to fly.

At this moment, Su Yi was facing a desperate situation, a desperate situation where he would definitely die.

He looked coldly at Xuan Lingzi who was slowly approaching and said in a cold voice, "I didn't expect the Sword Pavilion to actually send an old fogey like you to deal with me. What a joke. An elder who has cultivated for hundreds of years to deal with a junior cultivator who has just entered the Dao for less than a year."