Consume Purple Qi and Blood Essence, a True Celestial-Grade Foundation Establishment Pill

However, he did not say it out loud. If he said it out loud, his meaning would completely change.

At that time, he would definitely be regarded as a leecher. He did not want to create such an image for his partner.

However, Nie Ling did not think so. Her pretty face instantly turned red to her ears.

In the dimly lit earth fire room, it was almost impossible to see the changes on her face.

'Is he... giving me a gift?'

Nie Ling thought to herself, but she did not show it on her face. It was just that there was an uncontrollable smile in her eyes.

Su Yi naturally did not notice the changes on Nie Ling's face. Instead, he was slowly analyzing something.

At this moment, Nie Ling could not listen to him at all. Her jade-like hands slightly clenched the Dao-grade foundation establishment pill. Then, a glimmer of light flashed through her eyes, as if she'd thought of something.