Agree to the Conditions and the Cooperation of the Dan Family

However, Dan Tian was only stunned for a moment.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he looked at Su Yi with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Then, he said faintly, "Daoist brother Su is indeed a smart person. It's really comfortable talking to you. I was originally thinking of how to say something that would move your heart."

He tapped the token with the word 'Pill' on it with his right hand as if he was thinking for a while.

"How should I put it? Daoist brother Su is not a member of the Alchemist Guild yet, so I can't tell you in detail. However, I can guarantee it with the name of the Dan family."

"If Daoist brother Su occupies a place in the Alchemist Guild in the future and is on the side of the Dan family, then I will definitely not mistreat you."

After saying this, who knew that Su Yi would be unmoved. He continued to look at Dan Tian indifferently, the meaning on his face neutral.