I’ve Been Tricked. We Have Nothing to Do With It

After being called out by Zhang Tianxiu, that cultivator's body also trembled slightly. He had an ugly smile on his face as he respectfully said, "Young- Young Master Zhang, thank you for your help. My name is Lei Liang..."

"Cut the crap! This Young Master wants you to take out that treasure. If this Young Master finds out that you dare to trick me, I will make your life worse than death."

The person who promised to give up the treasure, the guy who called himself Lei Liang, wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Tianxiu.

Zhang Tianxiu's eyes were a little cold, as if he did not have the same bearing as before.

In the distance, Su Yi and the two people looked at each other and smiled as if they were watching a show. Cultivators nowadays were not kind people. Even Zhang Tianxiu saved him because of the treasure.

The distance between the two of them was not too far from Zhang Tianxiu. It was only about 17-18 meters.