Demonized Beasts, Meeting LI Mengxi Again

In the middle of the day, the sun was high in the sky, the dazzling sunlight shining on the earth.

The air in the path of the Demon Subduing Mountain was somewhat scorching, but this little bit of temperature was nothing to cultivators.

On the path of the Demon Subduing Mountain, a figure was rapidly shuttling through. He wore a silver Frostflame Robe, and his short hair fluttered in the wind.

Due to the problem of his own speed, the strong wind blew on his body, causing his body to release whooshing sounds. It actually became a sound on the path of the Demon Subduing Mountain.

Suddenly, Su Yi stopped. His brows were slightly furrowed, and his expression was somewhat solemn. In his eyes, a tiger appeared to block his way.

It was precisely the demon beast on the path of the Demon Subduing Mountain. Although his heart had long been prepared, when he saw the attributes of this demon beast blocking his way, Su Yi's expression was still solemn.