Fallen Sword Abyss, the Location of the Sword Tomb

Above Qinwang Ridge, it was around the deep pit where Su Yi went down.

City lord Qin Hao and the Old Long felt the earth shaking and immediately frowned.

It had been six to seven hours since Su Yi went down. There had been no movement before, but now there was such a big commotion.

Could it be that something big had happened underground?

Old Long looked anxious and said respectfully to Qin Hao, "city lord, I'm afraid this place is dangerous. I think that little friend Su..."

Before Old long could finish his words, city Lord Qin Hao raised his hand and interrupted him.

"Little friend Su is blessed by the heavens. Nothing will happen to him. However, we have promised little friend Su that we will wait for him to come out. Even if it's dangerous, I, Qin Hao, will not leave him behind."