Sword Control Technique, Sword Spirit’s Request

Seeing this scene, the corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched. He was not angry or anything. After all, he was just a passer-by in this mystical realm.

Since the other party did not have any ill intentions, there was no need to pay too much attention to her.

He raised his head slightly and moved his feet slightly. Then, he arrived at the altar. At this moment, he no longer had any worries. Then, he reached out and picked up the demon-slaying seal.

Instantly, a sound notification sounded.

[Notification: You have obtained demon-slaying seal x1]

[Quest to explore the ancient sword tomb: Enter the ancient sword's resting place and obtain the demon-slaying seal. Current progress of the quest (3/3)]

He had just obtained the demon-slaying seal when the notification sounded. He would probably be able to complete the quest as long as he exited the mystic realm.