Entering Demon Subduing Mountain Again, Demonic Qi Berserk Demon Beast

In the dead of the night, in the room of the inn.

When city lord Qin Hao said the last sentence, his voice stopped abruptly. The entire room became so quiet that one could hear the sound of a needle falling.

Qin Hao's expression changed as he looked at Su Yi. This was related to a gamble of Qinyang City.

The demon beast horde was getting stronger and stronger. It might develop into a beast tide in the future.

The subordinate who was sent to the Central Plains to ask for help had long lost contact. He was probably already dead.

As the city lord, he could not leave Qinyang City as he wished. The current chaotic Qinyang City needed a stable backbone to guard it.

If he, Qin Hao, left at this time, it would make people even more suspicious. At the moment, Qin Hao could only find one person, someone he could trust, to help him complete this mission.

The most suitable person was the powerful Su Yi.