Earth Vein Entrance, Guardian Puppet

At this moment, in a mysterious underground.

Accompanied by a blinding flash of white light, a figure appeared in front of a flight of stairs.

This figure was Su Yi, who had been teleported away from the bluestone platform on the lake.

On his shoulder, Little Xie was still sitting on top of him with an expression that said, 'don't ask me how I know', which made Su Yi feel helpless.

He wanted to ask more questions, but seeing Little Xie like this, there was no hope. So he turned his gaze to his surroundings.

There was a bluestone step under his feet. On it, there were also engravings of the bluestone platform on the lake surface. They were probably corresponding to each other.

His surroundings were like a cave. Under the dim light from the top, he could still see some stalactites. His surroundings were pitch-black, and he guessed that they were all stone walls.

Finally, he looked up from the stairs, and his eyes were filled with shock.