Escape with Your Life, Unsealing the Ancient Ruins!

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Su Yi actually took the initiative to step forward and even bowed. What was he doing?

Old Master Nie, who had regained his senses, wanted to step forward and stop Su Yi's action, but he was pulled back by Lin Yan.

"Yan, what are you doing?"

Who knew that Lin Yan would shake his head and gestured at the place where Su Yi was before looking at Old Master Nie. His eyes were filled with determination.

Seeing this, Old Master Nie did not say anything. However, he was still worried in his heart. What was this brat Su Yi trying to do?

Unlike Old Master Nie and the others, Tang Shang and Xuan Mingzi looked at Su Yi with disdain in their eyes. The other party was killing them like killing chickens. If Su Yi walked towards him, would he not be sending himself to his death?

Just when they thought that Su Yi was about to die, Su Yi's next action made them widen their eyes and jaws.