Demon Race? Soul Contract

Venerable Lone Dragon, whose tail was pinched by Little Xie, exploded when he heard Little Xie call him a toy.

He struggled to speak when Little Xie wiggle his body crazily.

"You are the toy. Your whole family is a toy. I am a respected demon race flood dragon."

However, Lone Dragon did not move very quickly because Little Xie's soul-locking sword qi had already reached seven inches away from him. The cold light slightly touched Venerable Lone Dragon's soul, causing it to feel a bone-piercing pain.

Su Yi helplessly waved his hand and looked at Lone Dragon's soul as he said indifferently, "just as he said, senior Lone Dragon is a flood dragon of the demon race."

Subsequently, Su Yi told Little Xie about what happened in the ancient ruins in the great desolate region. At that time, Little Xie was in a deep sleep, so she naturally did not know about Venerable Lone Dragon.